New York City’s Dem Mayor Flips Out – IOTW Report

New York City’s Dem Mayor Flips Out

New York City’s Democrat Mayor FLIPS OUT – in Wild Town Hall Speech.
Mark Dice has the details.

16 Comments on New York City’s Dem Mayor Flips Out

  1. Ya, fuck you pal. You and your worthless motherfucking Democrats have thought it was cute, smart and funny to subject totally undeserving innocent people to your shit. You can go fuck yourselves.

  2. If NYC had not been so dysfunctional for so long, Adams would never have been hired, promoted, or elected. NYC? You got what you voted for. Deal with it. Notice Hizzoner is not occupying his time dealing with the problem? No. He’s busy blaming others for his problems.

  3. Even a busted clock is right twice a day. Newsflash – this whole open border thing isn’t going to stop at destroying New York City. I know it, you know it, and even worse – the people holding the door open know it.

  4. “I find it increasingly difficult to give a damn when one of the monsters they’ve unleashed on the country returns to destroy their castle. I rather enjoy it, actually.” From the article above and my sentiments exactly.

  5. Guv Janet Mills of Maine (population 1.3 m) wants to bring in another 75,000 illegals from Africa and Haiti in the next 5 yrs.
    Portland, ME (largest city here) is 65,000.
    Oh fun.
    I think I’ll send this video to her.

  6. I hope every blue state hellhole is totally destroyed by the very policies the people there voted for. I hope they all starve to death while the jackboot of tyranny crushes their necks.

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