New York Gov. Cuomo Has Until Wednesday to Provide Data Related to Nursing Home COVID Deaths – But DOJ May Be Asking Wrong Questions – IOTW Report

New York Gov. Cuomo Has Until Wednesday to Provide Data Related to Nursing Home COVID Deaths – But DOJ May Be Asking Wrong Questions

Gateway Pundit: New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s and his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker, are facing mounting, angry and now even bi-partisan calls for a federal investigation into their March 25 Covid-19 edict, in which recovering Covid-19 hospital patients were transferred INTO New York State’s (NYS’s) nursing homes.

This same policy REQUIRED that hospital patients remain UNTESTED before transfer into one of Zucker’s DOH-licensed nursing homes.

After prolonged, outraged public pressure the NYSDOH was finally forced to admit it had actually implemented this inconceivable action. We now know, from the NYSDOH itself, that Zucker allowed 6,326 untested, recovering Covid-19 hospital patients to be moved INTO NY’s nursing homes for forty-six consecutive days. That’s at an average of 137 patients per day. What do you think happened? This utterly insane – and many of the grieving families say criminal – public policy likely resulted in the deaths thousands of New York frail and disabled senior citizen nursing home residents. read more

8 Comments on New York Gov. Cuomo Has Until Wednesday to Provide Data Related to Nursing Home COVID Deaths – But DOJ May Be Asking Wrong Questions

  1. today’s d’rat governors are nothing more than latter day Stalinists
    hell-bent on decreasing the ‘surplus population’ by any means necessary

    WAKE UP ‘SURPLUS’!!! … you have nothing to lose but your chains

  2. I’m still waiting for the news coverage of this guy being arrested and receiving the Roger Stone treatment, Swat Team and all, but I won’t hold my breath.

    Then Cuomo has the gall to go on TV yesterday and blame Trump on the Covid mess. I was fuming. 🤬

  3. The #1 question not being asked? Who’s your master? The Democrats removed God from their platform in 2012, so…hmmm. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Does it just seem like Cuomo prefers the fog of perception to the sunlight of Truth? Liars, frauds and hypocrites just playing pretend. Haven’t they always said politics is acting for ugly people?

  4. If he’ll kill your Mother and/or Father because they’re old, why should we assume that he has any morales or scruples against killing anyone regardless of age? The man is a menace who should be behind bars… at the very least! We’ve seen his like before. Just look at any 3rd world dictator.


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