New York: Governor Ratched Panics! – IOTW Report

New York: Governor Ratched Panics!

Patriot Retort: The other day, New York’s Governor Ratched announced that New York State would start differentiating between people hospitalized because of COVID-19 and people hospitalized for another reason who just happened to test positive for COVID when admitted.

Funny, isn’t it? Back when the pandemic first started, the people who didn’t fall under the spell of media-driven COVID panic noticed that hospitals were lumping into the total COVID hospitalization numbers the people who went to the hospital for an entirely separate reason – like maybe they broke a leg or got in a car accident or had a heart attack.

The non-panicked among us demanded that these distinctions be made public because the numbers of COVID-related hospitalizations are being inflated for political reasons. more

13 Comments on New York: Governor Ratched Panics!

  1. She and other liberals in charge are panicking because the goalposts get moved everyday and they don’t know whether to shit or wind their watch. Everything they do makes them look like the numbskulls that they are.

  2. My mom called Thursday night, dad is in the hospital. He is 90 and has lots and lots of medical problems. And the doctor called mom to tell her that dad now has covid. He added that mom has covid too – oh, she hasn’t been tested, but since she was at the hospital she has it because EVERYONE at the hospital has it or will get it.
    Considering my dad’s age and myriad health issues he is apparently okay so far with the covid. We (and mostly dad) have been prepared for him to pass for a while so whatever happens, happens. Mom said she has felt under the weather this week, likely at the end of covid now.
    Main point being, everyone is going to get this. Particularly anyone who sets foot in a hospital. It is much milder. And it will bring everything to an end very soon.

  3. Dan, Hang in there.
    My 90 year old Dad had it just before Thanksgiving, along with my mom who is 88. They survived it but my Dad said when God is ready to take me He will and he is ready.

  4. @ Left coast dan: my 69 yo neighbor suffered a spinal stroke, paralyzed from the waist down. Going to move him to rehab but, of course contracted covid. You’re probably right about everyb6going to get it.

  5. I wonder what the hell is in the cool-aid the sheep have been drinking. You can’t talk them out of taking any jab, it’s like they can’t hear you.

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