New York: Last congressional race settled, Republicans pick up a seat – IOTW Report

New York: Last congressional race settled, Republicans pick up a seat

Just The News: In the final House seat to be settled in the 2020 election, former Republican Representative Claudia Tenney was declared the winner over Democrat Anthony Brindisi, reclaiming a seat she previously held in upstate New York. 

The decision came, according to the Associated Press, after a judge reviewed the disputed ballots.  

Tenney lost the seat to Brindisi in 2018, and campaigned in 2020 based on her ties to former President Trump.

18 Comments on New York: Last congressional race settled, Republicans pick up a seat

  1. 3 months to confirm an election over fifty years past the USA landing men on the moon.
    Microsoft, Apple, Amazon technology available.
    A Covid vaccine developed in 9 months.
    The transistor was developed here in 1947.

    3 F U C K I N G M O N T H S

    For the 100th time in my life I am ashamed of my country…

  2. And one report I read said the dims may not allow her to be seated until all appeals are exhausted …. which could conceivably take close to 2 years (or more) at which time the next election cycle comes around. So she might have won, but might never become a sitting congresswoman if these rotten dims have anything to say about it. There is nothing so low-down or corrupt that these political hacks won’t do if not for power alone, but pure spite as well.

  3. @Bubbas Brother:
    Dems can delay anything as long as they like.
    Jiilted majority American voters must succumb to ridiculous timelines and unrealistic court rulings.
    Dude, are you even woke? /s

  4. @Bubbas Brother: “…And one report I read said the dims may not allow her to be seated until all appeals are exhausted…”

    I’m not a lawyer, thank goodness, but I could see a federal tax moratorium in that district- ‘no taxation without representation.’ That would be a good case.
    And if they do something like that, wouldn’t they be setting a precedent for joey basements not being ‘installed’ until after the supreme court case(s) are settled?
    lying liars lying again

  5. Maybe NOT THE LAST.
    Read up on what is happening in AZ concerning an extremely close House Congressional seat race and Court ordered investigation of a Congressional districts Voting machines and ballots.

    It seems the AZ 1st district elected officials are stone walling access and now are in contempt of court. That race was decided by under 14,000 votes too many were MAIL-IN/ABSENTEE Ballots that allowed a sudden come from behind in a usually solid (R+2) area.

  6. …aaand it doesn’t matter.

    <50% = 0

    …actually MORE than 50% needed for "Republicans", since many of them caucus with the Democrats anyway while the Democrats do what Pelosi TELLS them, she once said she should be allowed to vote for any Dem member and I don't see why not because none of them ever break ranks ANYWAY, say what you will about donkeys but the DO bribe, threaten, and blackmail very, very effectively…

  7. Dirty Dems. They don’t care who sees them cheat. Thankfully there’s one judge over there they don’t own.
    Republicans don’t have to cheat to beat them. They have to adopt a Patton like mind set. Don’t care who you offend if you’re pursuing the truth. Of course that would only work if so many Republicans weren’t bought and/or lacking a spine.

  8. Beachmom FEBRUARY 6, 2021 AT 7:16 AM

    “…Republicans don’t have to cheat to beat them. They have to adopt a Patton like mind set.”

    …I liked Patton. Patton was a great general, could read the hearts of men, was a firm believer in America First, and saw, correctly, that Communist Russia was and would be SUCH a threat that he figured that as long as we had the best-equipped, best-supported, most powerful army of 16 million men in the field ANYWAY, why not go ahead and deal with Communism while we were at it so future generations didn’t have to?

    Then, as now, there was a Democrat in office and Democrats as the highest ranking officers.

    …how’d that work out for him?

    …see, if you don’t have power, all else is meaningless.

    Democrats had the power.

    Patton got the gate.

    And it wouldn’t play out that much differently now, although modern Democrats might try to jail and/or murder him for DARING to speak out against Communism…

  9. the level of this in your face hypocrisy is off the charts

    the demonrats have been fighting for 3 months to get their guy in … but don’t you dare question the massive PROVEN presidential election fraud

  10. The Democrats will appeal the election? I thought it was sedition to question the results of an election punishable by removal from Congress if applicable and possible prison time for anyone who does it, and removal from all social media.

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