New York Man… – IOTW Report

New York Man…

New York gunman kills apartment resident, flees, trips over his drooping trousers, accidentally shoots himself … dies. Story at Not The Bee.

19 Comments on New York Man…

  1. Thanks IOTW.

    I needed a Good News story to start the day.

    (another carbon Tax was added to Gasoline in Canuckistan on “Canada Day” as per our Great Leader.)

  2. I’m not sure if his fashion sense or lack of trugger discipline was more appalling.

    Guess the devil can decide.

    I won’t say RIP in this instance.

    Because he’s going to find that very hard to do in hell.

  3. Damn, now who are his family members going to sue? Apartment owners? Levi’s? I guess they missed out on the Ghetto Lottery on this one. If only a cop had shot him, they’d be “movin’ on up”!

  4. If he’d only worn a belt, he might still be alive to commit another crime. Why do dumbass young black men not wear belts? Be like the old black guys who wear their pants halfway up to their neck, cinch it up tight and he’d be stylin and live to be an old guy, maybe.

  5. In another article, a witness stated, “He was down on the steps, covered in blood,” he said. “His pants were down past his waist. You could see his ass.”. Good observation, sir.



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