New York Mayor Eric Adams Now Suing Bus Companies for Bringing Illegal Immigrants to the City – IOTW Report

New York Mayor Eric Adams Now Suing Bus Companies for Bringing Illegal Immigrants to the City

Joe Biden is the source of the problem, but these cowards can’t go after him because Biden is the default leader of their party. ” BINGO!

15 Comments on New York Mayor Eric Adams Now Suing Bus Companies for Bringing Illegal Immigrants to the City

  1. So? Simple aolution. Hizzonor the Mayor’s authoritah officially stops at the city limit border.
    Have the busses drive to just outside the city limits, and THEN release the illegals to find their own way. Or not.
    Either way, the busses can’t be sued, and the illegals are still taken (close enough) to their destination.
    Why do I have to do all the heavy thinking around here?

  2. Drop them off at the Newark PATH station with a voucher for the subway fare across the Hudson….PATH is owned by NY and NJ Port Authority; Uncle Ben has no control over them.

  3. ‘Erik the Adams’ has no standing at best, is violating the U.S. constitution with respect to interstate commerce most likely. I’ll hazard a guess here, but each of those bus companies and drivers and busses is licensed for interstate transportation, so pretty obvious case to be made.

  4. I remember seeing ytube videos that showed all of the rental buses that brought insurrectionis to various cities to burn things down and seriously injured people. It would be a shame if all those buses burned to the ground. You know,just saying.

  5. I wonder how it’s going to work out for cities like New York and Chicago when bus companies start refusing to serve their communities entirely and shut down lines running in and out of those cities?
    That would be MY response were I running any of these companies being sued.


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