New York, New England Begin Rationing Heating Oil – IOTW Report

New York, New England Begin Rationing Heating Oil

RedState: Biden’s war on oil has consequences, and now the chickens are coming home to roost. We’ve already gotten a taste of it nationwide with persistent, sky-high gas prices. In California, we felt it this summer as our power grid was stretched to capacity by heat waves and we were subject to rolling brown-outs along with warnings not to use appliances or charge electric cars. How very First World.

(As an aside, every year when there’s a heat wave in Southern Cal, the enviros go whacko and scream, “Climate change! Climate change!” And yet every year that I’ve lived here for the past 30 years there’s been a heat wave in September. Wonder if it could be… the weather?)

Now the Northeast is going to feel it too as a new enemy arrives: winter. Bloomberg is reporting that the rationing of heating oil is already underway, despite it not even yet being November. The reason: stockpiles are at 30 percent of their normal levels. MORE

21 Comments on New York, New England Begin Rationing Heating Oil

  1. The Northeast is a hotbed of De(monrat)mentia.

    Maybe this will awaken them to the plight all Americans are suffering on account of the Demonrat’s Anti-American policies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Here in Maine heating oil is $5.50. It was $5.99 earlier in the week. It’s expected to go to around $8 when the actual heating season begins.
    K1 (Kerosene) is $6.50 gal. Many lower income people who live in mobile homes use K1 and a lot are older. My daughter works for a heating fuel company here. She said the older people who are on Social Security are ordering 35 gal at a time because of the cost.
    Propane is $7 gal.

    Our left wing politicians, who were voted in by many out of staters from CA, NJ, NY, and big cities have taken over politics in Southern Maine. Up north and out west a bit it’s pure Trump country. Unfortunately where we live is the largest population center.
    My daughter was laughing and disgusted with the out of state grown men calling asking how to read the fuel gauge on the tank and not knowing about ordering heating fuel. Wait til winter when the policies they voted for cost them $2000 to fill a tank, if they can get a fill.
    On a bright note, it may convince lots of them to leave the state.
    The thousands of illegals meanwhile are warm and cozy in their taxpayer paid for hotel rooms.

  3. I’ve always been told that Diesel (heating oil) is a bi-product of cracking gas. If you Google that the results all say no. But then when you read the process, it is. Basically when they crack gas they get a shit load of different products dependent on how hot the crude gets in any one section of their big ass chambers.
    So my question is if they’re cracking enough crude for gas, wtf are they doing with the diesel.
    If someone understands this process better than me, please jump in.

  4. Brad, it’s my understanding in order to get diesel you first have to get gasoline as it’s further in the cracking process. When the coof hit and no one was driving there was no need to produce gas, and oil went negative, you know the story. However the need for diesel remained because everyone needed everything delivered. But they couldn’t make diesel without also making gasoline. So a shortage in diesel ensued, diesel prices are still way elevated and the stockpile shortage remains today. I think…

  5. Tim-FJB
    “Maybe this will awaken them ”
    Nah….Never gonna happen.
    They’ll remain DildoCrat sheeple until they become corpsicles.
    And even then, they’ll still vote DildoCrat from the grave.

  6. So a Dem voting Liberal can be freezing with the power off, EV car lifeless with a dead battery, going bankrupt from inflation, sick from his many jabs, and whatever kids being molested in their “Schools”…and still vote Dem. I think that is literally insane.

  7. “Eat your damn bugs” ~ Greta

    So back in the 70’s the phrase that I recall was …,
    Let the Ba$tards freeze. Here we are, almost 50 years later ..,
    SOSDD. Same old $hit different Decade

    Btw. Joey is selling EU 11.8 billion cubic feet of Natural Gas a DAY


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