New York restaurants ban Governor Cuomo – IOTW Report

New York restaurants ban Governor Cuomo

“He can eat at some sh*tty roadside diner outside of Albany”

Numerous members of the Facebook group “NYC Restaurants Open,” which is mainly made up of restaurant and bar owners, have come out in support of a lifetime order banning Cuomo from being served at all New York City establishments.

15 Comments on New York restaurants ban Governor Cuomo

  1. Before any government official declares others cannot work, those government officials should be forced to forfeit their own pay. C*ck sucking democrats need to learn what it’s like to lead by example.

  2. Why just Andrew. ALL Cuomos should be banned from ALL restaurants in the state. Including his brother CNN Chris. Every damned Cuomo.

    Same goes with the Northam’s in Virginia, the Whittmers in Michigan, the Newsoms in California, alight foot in Chicago. any dictator anywhere across the nation. It’s time to reject and punish all of these privileged brown shirts.

  3. Bullshit!

    The most expensive places will open special for him and he will fins a way to get the mayors office to pay for the private service.

    Ever wonder why politicians pay so much for a computer?
    1 for the office at twice the price
    and one for each their kids for free.

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