New York Teacher Injects Teen With Expired COVID Vaccine (Without Parent’s Knowledge) Gets “Community Service” – IOTW Report

New York Teacher Injects Teen With Expired COVID Vaccine (Without Parent’s Knowledge) Gets “Community Service”

Pacific Pundit: So now some left wing nutbag teachers are injecting students with the COVID vaccine without the parent’s knowledge. Take for instance Laura Russo from New York. She was sentenced to “community service” for injecting a child with an expired dose of the COVID vaccine back in January. Russo later testified in a hearing that she got the dose when a pharmacist gave her expiring doses after she asked for an empty vial to use as a Christmas ornament. MORE

19 Comments on New York Teacher Injects Teen With Expired COVID Vaccine (Without Parent’s Knowledge) Gets “Community Service”

  1. Really a pharmacist gave her the vial?! People interested in testing these things since their release have barely been able to get ahold of them but pharmacists are giving them out a month after Christmas to make decorations?! And did that person have any legal issues?

  2. Do pharmacists usually hand out expired medication to anyone who asks for it or the container it comes in? I can’t imagine that’s the case, and I wanna know what the pharmacist got for being so fucking stupid.

  3. “…she got the dose when a pharmacist gave her expiring doses after she asked for an empty vial to use as a Christmas ornament.”

    …setting aside that the pharmacist illegaly dispensed prescription drugs, what is the point of an empty vial of the Coof Goof on a “Christmas” tree?

    …because nothing says Man’s hubris like trusting Man more than the immune system God provided, especially when Man’s innovation is that he now believes himself qualified to rewrite the DNA God provided to do it.

    Nothing says “I Love Christ” like a symbol that you do not trust him and think you can do better.

    Good luck with that.

  4. Parents’ mistake was calling the police. It’s still not too late to “get over the outrage”, and let the matter drop. Quietly wait several months or even a few years, don’t discuss plans with anyone including your spouse, and administer some Jack Bauer type justice.

    Of course, this is just the character development exercise I’m working on as a budding fiction writer.

  5. We’re going to see a rise in vigilantism. Woe to the person who would do this to my kid. People nowadays have a low tolerance for crimes against them. Someone walked into an HOA meeting and killed 5 people who obviously gave him a hard time living there. You never know who you’re going to piss off.

  6. Exact vengeance and you will likely end up in jail, unless you are REALLY good. I like the civil lawsuit approach. Sue that bitch, the administrators individually, and the school district into oblivion.

  7. @Tony R — That might work if the court system impartially and objectively applied and administered the law, and the laws weren’t written to favor the state over the citizen. That isn’t the case.

  8. Something stinks on the story, how do you go from hanging a vial on a Christmas tree to taking it and injecting it into somebody’s kid? More to the story me thinks.
    I seem to remember Not being able to get an aspirin from a school nurse without parents consent?

  9. Tony R,
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Plan B an abortifacient?
    Which makes sense.
    I was thinking more along the lines of “short rope, tall tree, some assembly required”.

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