New York Times Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence Was Accurate, The Intelligence Community Was Lying – IOTW Report

New York Times Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence Was Accurate, The Intelligence Community Was Lying

CTH: Apparently, the motive everyone inferred about Joe Biden to making those bizarre statements about compromising sexual material and blackmail was accurate. Less than 12 hours after his weird comments, yesterday the New York Times released a devastating article finally admitting that every previously denied allegation surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop was accurate. MORE

16 Comments on New York Times Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence Was Accurate, The Intelligence Community Was Lying

  1. It still don’t (AND WON’T) make any difference 😎.

    Orange man was bad and dease guys saved us with their upstanding ethics and STRONG moral character.

    Everything was on the table to save us from the Trump Family, don’t cha hnow?

  2. demOCrats must be getting ready to……

    25th PedoJoe46……for the past year’s antics……

    I’ll bet they push for cognitive test……

    But how do they skip past Cumala….????

  3. If You’re Alone and Choking, This Device Can Save Your Life!

    Can we get some comic relief and have it changed to show Cumala doing this??
    (I’ll be she has one in her purse)

  4. The deep state and media lapdogs lied for Clinton in ’16 and lied for Obama twice in ’12 and ’08. The GOP is obviously complicit after staying silent and for what they did and continue doing to President Trump.

  5. Ed357
    MARCH 18, 2022 AT 10:30 AM
    “demOCrats must be getting ready to……

    25th PedoJoe46……for the past year’s antics……

    I’ll bet they push for cognitive test……

    But how do they skip past Cumala….????”

    …Kummy is “president” for a day, and appoints Hillary veep.

    She then immediately steps down for “family concerns (Coof husband will do), but really for a promise of a Supreme Court appointment and, also, so she doesn’t have a bad case of suicide.

    This leaves Hillz to wreak her vengeance on the United States, to the satisfaction of her globalist masters.

  6. The IC either lies about things, hides the truth or gets surprised by events every single goddam time it matters. Just like their spook-sucking media:

    “The U.S. intelligence community recently reaffirmed its conclusion that senior officials in Russia were behind hacks during the 2016 presidential campaign into the Democratic National Committee and emails belonging to associates of Hillary Clinton…But what exactly is the “intelligence community?” It’s not just an amorphous term for all U.S. intelligence officials. It’s a veritable alphabet soup of 17 agencies and offices. The group includes agencies strictly focused on intelligence as well as the intelligence arms of other government agencies and of the military. Its total budget in 2015 was $66.8 billion.”—LA Times, January 17, 2017

    Top men on the job. Assuming the job is to blow.

  7. yesterday the New York Times released a devastating article finally admitting that every previously denied allegation surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop was accurate

    Except for the denied allegation, “We lied. Because McTweets Mean.”

  8. They’re either laying the groundwork to 25th Joe (probably after the mid-terms), or they’re trying to pretend to be objective reporters of truth in order to salvage what little credibility they might still have — probably both. The legacy media are the enemy.

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