New York Times: Alienated GOP voters returning to Trump, plus Clinton supporters – IOTW Report

New York Times: Alienated GOP voters returning to Trump, plus Clinton supporters

WaEx: Two-thirds of people in six battleground states who voted for President Trump in 2016 but Democrats in the 2018 midterms are returning to the president for 2020, according to a surprising new poll.

The New York Times Upshot/Siena College survey found that many of those who left the GOP last year are returning to Trump because they feel good about the economy.

The Times write-up cautioned, “This group is only a sliver of the electorate — 2 percent of registered voters — and is not representative of all voters. They are overwhelmingly white, 60 percent are male, and two-thirds have no college degree. But the president’s strength among them helps explain why he is highly competitive in states that Democrats carried just one year ago.”

The newspaper quoted seven voters who said they stand ready to vote Trump back into office — even those who voted for Hillary Clinton. “7 percent of those who supported Mrs. Clinton in 2016 said they now approved of the president’s performance — despite his personality and his Twitter account, many said,” according to the Times.

The reasons many of those quoted gave for choosing Trump over the eventual Democratic nominee sound like a Trump campaign ad. read more

7 Comments on New York Times: Alienated GOP voters returning to Trump, plus Clinton supporters

  1. Big Mike is lazy. She was angry she had to be First Man for 8 years because she was ‘trapped’ and didn’t like the position. She couldn’t grift and make $$$ like she does now. She isn’t going to run.

  2. …but Clinton voters and RINOS bring Democrat politics with them wherever they go, just ask AZ and VA among others, and our President has ENOUGH people trying to subvert him from within, don’t NEED any more, so leave your vote at the door and piss off otherwise, Clinton RINOS…

  3. Since this was reported in the NY Times, is it true?

    Oh, just imagine how much more positive things for the country PDJT could have accomplished by now if he wasn’t constantly opposed and harassed by the late stage TDS suffering fools in both political parties, and MSM.

  4. “are returning to Trump because they feel good about the economy.”

    Yeah, that’s the reason. Sure. It has nothing at ALL to do with the embarrassing Keystone Kops blooper reel masquerading as a Democrat Congress.


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