New York Times Authors Deceptively Edit Trump’s Advice to Governors on Medical Ventilators – IOTW Report

New York Times Authors Deceptively Edit Trump’s Advice to Governors on Medical Ventilators

Breitbart: Authors Deceptively Edit Trump’s Advice to Governors on Medical Ventilators

At least eight New York Times authors shared a deceptively edited quote Monday from President Donald Trump’s recent call with state governors, creating the false impression that the president is denying federal support for ventilators that are needed in hospitals treating coronavirus patients.

In his message, the president recommended that states procure respirators and ventilators because it would be faster — but added that the federal government “will be backing you.”

The Times journalists omitted the bulk of the president’s statement as they shared the story on social media. The misleading, partial quote was also boosted by a CNN correspondent and became the lead headline at the left-wing Huffington Post.

Despite growing online backlash to this misinformation, the journalists have yet to delete or retract their comments.
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17 Comments on New York Times Authors Deceptively Edit Trump’s Advice to Governors on Medical Ventilators

  1. It’s almost like the New York Times is owned and operated by a tribe that is naturally hostile to Christians and, thusly, wants to ruin our Christian nation. Hmmm…..

  2. Yesterday, Fox News radio said that the stock market dropped after President Trump indicated that we were headed into a recession, and then they played a clip of his address to the nation. He never mentioned recession, or even implied it. When America learns how much our current havoc has been created by and supported by our corrupt media, I can see a time in the near future when the citizenry, with pitchforks in hand, burn the media to the ground.


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