New York Times Covidian MANGLES Facts Again: 4,000 Children Dead of COVID Syndrome? – IOTW Report

New York Times Covidian MANGLES Facts Again: 4,000 Children Dead of COVID Syndrome?

Newsbusters: Apoorva Mandavilli became the New York Times’ chief Covid reporter after a woke mob at the paper forced out experienced science correspondent Donald McNeil in early 2021 because of ridiculous accusations of racism while chaperoning students in Peru.

Because why not throw out a veteran science reporter during a pandemic? (A cynic would say “because he was optimistic about the vaccine rollout in October 2020.”)

Mandavilli’s reporting has been characterized by exaggeration of the dangers Covid presents. In particular her numerical mistakes tilt in the same direction, each grossly exaggerating the danger and death risk that children face from Covid. The latest massive error occurred in a story about the Centers for Disease Control recommending vaccine boosters (yes, boosters) for children 5-11.

Posted online Thursday, it eventually appeared, with a correction, in Friday’s print edition: “C.D.C. Advisers Recommend Pfizer Boosters for Children 5 to 11.”

But record numbers of children were hospitalized during the Omicron surge this winter. Nearly 4,000 children aged 5 to 11 have been diagnosed with a Covid-related condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome during the pandemic. And some studies find that even children who have a mild illness may experience symptoms for months.

That paragraph is exaggerated enough, but the original falsely claimed that 4,000 children “aged 5 to 11 have died from” the condition (known as MIS-C). The actual figure, for all children, is 68. Overall COVID deaths for Americans aged 0-18 is currently about 1,200.

After Twitter outcry, the passage was corrected online. The story appeared with a correction in Friday’s edition that was less brusque than Mandavilli’s reaction to her error on Twitter: “… \Diagnosed with, not died. It was fixed”


7 Comments on New York Times Covidian MANGLES Facts Again: 4,000 Children Dead of COVID Syndrome?

  1. “COVID related condition…”

    …which currently includes but is not limited to…

    1. Gun shot wounds
    2. 3rd degree burns
    3. Trauma
    4. Cancer
    5. Influenza

  2. I don’t understand why they continue to lie – Big Pharma is completely insulated from their deprivations and murders (the Gov’t “immunized” them) and have amassed Hundreds of $Billions extorted from the taxpayers.
    So, why maintain the pretense?

    Isn’t it time to point and laugh?
    Not just at America, but at the Entire World! Every-fukkin-One has been duped!
    And there isn’t a thing we can do about it – not that we would – we’re sufficiently tamed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. One figure you don’t have to exaggerate is the risk/benefit for the vaccine. The ratio is so high no one in the mainstream believes it so of course there’s no reporting on it, plus it’s not conducive to the narrative. For age group 10-14, the risk/benefit is 1600; there’s 1600 deaths from the jab for each life saved from covid in that group. Insufficient data for 5-11 group, but you can bet it’s more than 1600 as the younger the higher the ratio.

    More people should be aware as exaggerated stories about covid exist for one sole purpose: propaganda to expand the death jab.

  4. Journalists without scruples have learned that fortune and fame awaits those willing to utter the most preposterous fibs in the cause of forwarding the globalist anti-humanity agenda. There is literally no downside for them since they completely lack shame.

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