New York Times-Hyped Korean Report Actually Shows Kids Are Not Spreading Coronavirus – IOTW Report

New York Times-Hyped Korean Report Actually Shows Kids Are Not Spreading Coronavirus

The Federalist: In an incredible redux of when they hyped the Christian Drosten fake paper claiming children were highly infectious — when his math actually showed the opposite — the New York Times and Chicago Tribune pushed screaming headlines that a new Korean government report proves children ages 10 to 19 are highly infectious.

The Korean government report, based on data from March and ignoring all newer research, does make that claim, with qualifications, in its narrative summary. Its actual math, however, shows exactly the opposite. Do the elite newspapers even bother to consult anyone numerate?

As Professor Francois Balloux of the University of Lausanne Genetics Institute immediately replied, the New York Times writer completely misunderstood the report.

In fact, the report found that it was extremely rare for children to bring an infection into the home. It found that just 2.7 percent of potential “index cases” (first case in the home) were under age 20. Imagine twisting that into a call for school closures. It’s astonishingly reckless.
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2 Comments on New York Times-Hyped Korean Report Actually Shows Kids Are Not Spreading Coronavirus

  1. The gray Lady has a penchant toward alcoholism and manipulation of numbers.
    My suggestion is hire some sober proof readers so you stop idiotic self destruction.


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