New York Times Refuses To Fire Racist Staffer, Makes Excuses For Her Racism – IOTW Report

New York Times Refuses To Fire Racist Staffer, Makes Excuses For Her Racism

P.S. It’s YOUR fault she’s racist.


The New York Times refused to fire racist staffer Sarah Jeong, even after a long history of cruel and racist tweets was discovered.

In a statement, the Times apologized for Jeong’s racist comments, primarily against white people, and excused them because she was also a “subject of frequent online harassment.”

The Times said Jeong was “imitating” her harassers and does not condone the behavior.

Jeong will nonetheless remain employed by the Times because she will not say racist things in the future.

The New York Times’ announced that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board Wednesday. Twitter users unearthed old tweets in which she expressed hatred toward white people.  more

29 Comments on New York Times Refuses To Fire Racist Staffer, Makes Excuses For Her Racism

  1. It is not, you know, racist, you know, to hate white, you know, people, specially, you know, ah, old white men, you know?
    An’ besides Sarah has a degree from Haarvaard, you know.
    Rush gave her a going over today. Good for Rush. The New York Slime, is just that, slime.
    The bint was born in South Korea and raised in Kalifornika.

  2. “Imitating” the so-called imaginary Right-wing racist (NO proof there was ever an earlier tweet to which she responded): OK FOR THE LEFT


  3. @MJA – I thought the same thing you did. NYT: “Of course those tweets were racist, but they were that way only because of what you did first. Her racism was your fault, and satire anyways”.

  4. The Slime vetted her. She’ll be fine for the Slime’s crowd. I won’t be reading her crap, or the crap she approves of. Last time I read the Slime was back in 1975 when an English Professor assigned the class to comment on the “New York Times” editorials on current events. I think I got a C+. But I really didn’t GAS!

  5. Jeong wasn’t “imitating” shit. She wasn’t replying to anyone or retweeting what someone else said.

    She was spewing her anti-white bigotry out into the wide open and Twitter endorsed it, The Verge still endorses it, still endorses it and the NYT is defending her for it.

    “They made me wish for the extinction of their race because someone allegedly said something mean”.

    Someone needs to grab two handfuls of her hair and drag her out of that Ivory Tower she likes to hide out in and have her tweet some final thoughts before she’s fed face first into a woodchipper.

    Haha! You thought I was serious. Satire, I say. Satire.


  6. The NY Failed Times has been wrong The Ukranian, The Armenian and the Final Solutions in EuroAsia, just to name a few things they failed to report correctly about.

    They lost their senses and hired socialists after WWI.

    Did the Failed NY TImes get the Tet Offensive Correct?

    How was the reporting record before and after POTUS decided to run for POTUS?

    Great take down below and I have a feeling more take downs will follow…

    h/t Wictor


  7. what it shows more than the fact that they don’t care about racism and they’re just a bunch of hypocrites is that they never, ever surrender. Ever.

    I’ve been waiting for a conservative who will never surrender.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that i will never ever find one. ever.

  8. The nasty little zipperhead will fit right in at The NY Times. She can openly denigrate the self-loathing white leftist pukes working there, and they’ll applaud her for doing so. Oh, and I was using the word, zipperhead, in a nice way.

  9. Hey, I coulda gotten an A+ if I went along with the program. Most students got A+, because they went along with the program back in 1975. Today they are all going along with the program and paying upward of $60,000 per Masters, $75,000 per PhD, and they don’t know shit. But they are all A+ students. Just listen to them. What a phucken waste of money. Think Cortez, NY.
    moe tom

  10. From my experience, Asians are unabashedly racist. Just like most Black, White, Brown, Red, etc. Americans used to be before it became politically incorrect. And still are to some degree, even though they can’t admit to it. It seems to be part of the human condition.


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