New York Times Under Fire for Printing ‘Anti-Semitic’ Cartoon Depicting Trump, Netanyahu – IOTW Report

New York Times Under Fire for Printing ‘Anti-Semitic’ Cartoon Depicting Trump, Netanyahu



The New York Times opinion section is facing backlash after running a political cartoon depicting President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the newspaper admitted contained “anti-semitic tropes” and “was offensive.”

The cartoon, which was printed in the opinion section of its international edition of the paper on April 25, shows Trump wearing sunglasses and a kippah being led by a dog with a Star of David for a collar and Netanyahu’s face. The image appeared next to a column penned by Thomas Friedman, according to screengrabs of the page.

Many social media users and commentators have condemned the political cartoon. Moreover, the Jerusalem Post reported that Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General of Israel in New York even reached out to the Times to express his outrage for running the cartoon and calling it unacceptable.


The op-ed editor for the Jerusalem Post Seth Frantzman wrote a series of posts to criticize the Times.

“It’s not enough to just remove the cartoon and be like ‘whoops,’ there need to be answers and also a deep reflection on why and how this happened. The public should be involved. This is not an ‘Israel’ issue; it’s much larger,” Frantzman wrote.

16 Comments on New York Times Under Fire for Printing ‘Anti-Semitic’ Cartoon Depicting Trump, Netanyahu

  1. The NY Times sucks.

    We should NOT be surprised and OUTRAGED by it’s know documented American hating conservative position.

    Shit like this is EXPECTED at this point. They are now in the process of trying to cover their journo ASSESTS. They KNOW POTUS is on to them, he is PISSED he gave a first interview to these journo-pricks. POTUS was doing recon…

    They are part of the Old World One Media.

    All predicted by Orwell.

    IOTW is part of the New ONE American Media.

    They do not understand this but WE do.


  2. The assault on Christianity and the Judaism is global and insidious.

    Anything against either is tolerated, covered up, and even encouraged by communist and extremist violent followers of Islam.

    Communist are encouraging the invasion of depravity, chaos, lawlessness, anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity, and using the terror of sharia.

    They use the weakness of ‘tolerance’ under which they build their iblack fungal global takeover.

    Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are in World War Three, and as usual, we awaken to the fight late.

    President Trump needs to act. Quit the threats and act and then duck and cover like obamination did. He will never turn the rabid MSM. Only a loss of audience will do that.

    Outrage as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube censor conservatives won’t do it. Stop participating in them. Other conservative sites are being developed or waiting for the switch.

  3. @ Aaron Burr – Why Nazinot that …coming?

    Guess you don’t understand where the Brig Gen is coming from?

    OR do ya?

    WE are of the same time…remember?

  4. To the non corporeal residue of the formerly illustrious Brig. Gen. etc etc. etc.

    it is my delicate duty to inform his Generalship that I, Aaron Diego De La Vega Burr, did not direct the previous missive to his Generalship, and am frankly astounded, yea, astounded Sir, as if struck by the lightning of Jehovah that any reference towards your most august personage could ever be construed.

    It was merely a bon mot directed towards the New York Times….the actual topic of the post. Ahem.

    I remain your most obedient servant,
    etc. etc.

    A. Burr

    Dictated but not read, 27 April the year of our Lord, 2019

  5. @ Aaron Burr – Duly noted, with appreciation and no, ahem, harm. Gentleman talk bullshit…

    NOW get back to work! Seminary work…

    Clean house, kick ass…and keep it kooky like you do.

    Better DEAD than RED….or read…or thread…


  6. Political cartoons are often expressions of disdain towards those who hold power over the people. What is often shown is not only justified, but unpleasantly truthful representations of reality. Israel is a country that expects to be recognized as one by the UN and the world, and should be accountable as one, just like every other country is. The USA is also a sovereign country, not a colony to another country–not Great Britain, and NOT Israel. Reflecting Netanyahu’s controlling influence over Trump as detrimental to the leadership of the USA is a truthful, political depiction and definitely represents that statement often posted here. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”
    Claiming anti-semitism is a trick we always use.

  7. tRuth — you lefties first said that Putin was leading Trump around, and now it is Netanyahu leading Trump around. Who will it be next ? Some asshole in Iraq?

    Yet it was Obama who could not get enough of bowing and kissing the Muzzies’ collective butt on everything. Benghazi … Bergdahl… Billions to the Iran slush fund… for starters.


  8. Truth is often offensive to those who are guilty as accused. Jesus knew, and He accused.

    43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message.
    44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires.
    He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him.
    When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.
    45But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!…

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