New York Woman is Brutally Murdered After Community Leader Suggests Citizens Settle Disputes Without Calling Police – IOTW Report

New York Woman is Brutally Murdered After Community Leader Suggests Citizens Settle Disputes Without Calling Police


By Steven Ahle-

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams has blood on his hands after he told residents of his borough that instead of calling police about fireworks to handle it themselves.

33-year-old Shatavia Walls took his advice and went out to talk to the group setting off fireworks and asked them not to shoot off the fireworks while children were outside playing.

Now, she’s dead.

One man pulled out a gun and began chasing her and he fired a shot at her. She ran into her mother’s building for safety.

She later went outside and retrieved the shell casing and his driver’s license that he had dropped while chasing her. Three days later she was shot eight times and died.

Walls’ mother said that her daughter was just following the advice that Adams gave the people of his borough and because she did, she is now dead. more

19 Comments on New York Woman is Brutally Murdered After Community Leader Suggests Citizens Settle Disputes Without Calling Police

  1. Socialists and Communist politicians along with 8 shots from a freed criminal murdered her.
    It sounded like: BLM,BLM,BLM,BLM,BLM,BLM,BlLM BLM eight times, and then she was dead.

  2. As with any of their monikers the entire”progressive movement” is anything but progressive. Progressivism is and always has been a backward looking movement, in which all of its programs, policies and practices have been tried before (multiple times) and found wanting.

    How there can be any conclusion other than that the progressive movement exists in order to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death is beyond me when that is where progressivism leads every time it’s prescriptions for utopian society are implemented.

  3. Another NYT headline: “Local woman who was found dead tests positive for Covid-19”
    Subhead: “If President Trump had done a better job handling the coronavirus, would this poor woman still be alive today?”

  4. Well, there you have it. The obvious solution is more gun control! I think mayor DeBlazio needs to personally go into that neighborhood, go door to door and confiscate all the guns.

  5. next mayor piece of shit as a cop and supervisor essentially never on the street buried him inside we call em “house mouses” on the job affirmative “blacktion” is most likey whyhe passed the supervisory tests any cop from the late 80’s & 90’s will tell you the same thing

  6. This is exactly the intended affect. The Marxists want people to die. They want you to know they can kill you anytime they want without personally laying a finger on you.

  7. Yeah but, now the elected cruds won’t have to worry about spending taxpayer money on police, prosecutors, courthouses or jails instead they can just put those funds directly into their own pockets! Win win for them!


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