New York’s AG Uses Below-The-Belt-Measures On Pro-Lifers So He’d Win His Case – IOTW Report

New York’s AG Uses Below-The-Belt-Measures On Pro-Lifers So He’d Win His Case

DAILY CALLER: New York’s attorney general oversaw and facilitated secret surveillance on pro-life counselors outside an abortion clinic as well as the creation of a fake identity in an attempt to win an ongoing case, according to a witness’s testimony.

Testimony in People v. Griepp et al —against pro-life advocates counseling women outside of Choices Women’s Medical Center in Jamaica-Queens, N.Y. — illustrated Schneiderman used a witness to spy on pro-lifers via creating a fake Facebook account to access their information.— New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

The witness testified she had used someone else’s photo, listed her occupation as a bank teller, created a fake residency — even posting about the weather there to gain credibility — and went under the guise of “Shelly Walker.” The witness also allegedly accessed hundreds of pro-life activists’ personal information around the country — she gave the data to Schneiderman’s office, according to The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC).

“I’m appalled at the Attorney General’s lack of respect for the First Amendment and his offices’ encouragement and use of fraudulent means to obtain information so that he can persecute peaceful pro-life citizens who have become the voice of the voiceless,” TMLC president Richard Thompson said. “He [Schneiderman] has forsaken his responsibilities as an independent law-enforcement officer and is now acting as an agent of the abortion industry,” Thompson added.

Schneiderman came down hard on fake identities and fraudulent activity on the Internet in an NPR interview late January. READ MORE

12 Comments on New York’s AG Uses Below-The-Belt-Measures On Pro-Lifers So He’d Win His Case

  1. Remember last Summer, when this blowhard douchebag said he was investigating Trump’s Lawyer, Jay Sekulow, for some sort of charity fraud? Whatever happened to that? I guess it was just bullshit lawfare to generate fake news and scary headlines.

  2. WOW! It’s like there’s only one Government. Of The (one) Party. And corruption anywhere is corruption everywhere. Sort of like a barrel of (sh)pickles. Who’d a thunk it?

  3. Yet another left wing democrat scandal that will never see the light of day in or on any mainstream media.
    Corruption is ok for them but honesty by conservatives is frowned upon.

  4. The “right” to abortion as granted by Roe vs Wade was based somehow on the supposed “right of Privacy”. How ironic that no such right of privacy seems to exist when it comes time for an oppressive government to persecute its citizens.

  5. @bill February 23, 2018 at 11:41 am

    > it is like they are forcing the citizens into open revolt.
    > this will not end well

    “I do not think that word means wht you think it means.”

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