New York’s MTA COVID test results, employee info accidentally posted online – IOTW Report

New York’s MTA COVID test results, employee info accidentally posted online

MTA seems to have a lot of problems with leaks and hacks.

COVID test results and personal information of more than two dozen MTA employees was accidentally posted online in February by a third-party vendor, The Post has learned.

Letters were sent Wednesday to 31 transit workers whose names, genders, birthdays, phone numbers and COVID test results were publicly accessible for several days through the Bing search engine, sources said.

The tests were among 235,000 saliva tests conducted by Mount Sinai Hospital and its contractor Verbosity, which accepted responsibility for the accidental leak.

A forensic evaluation by Verbosity concluded that the information had been accessed just once — by a state Department of Health employee during a “routine” check on New York’s testing providers, according to an MTA official. Another 20 individuals unaffiliated with the MTA also had their test results publicly posted, the official said.

No Social Security information was published, and the information was only accessible through Bing, the MTA said. The workers impacted were mostly members of the Transport Workers Union Local 100, which reps city transit workers, according to transit officials.

The MTA has conducted COVID tests targeted at its unvaccinated employees since the fall to track the spread of the virus among its workforce. read more

2 Comments on New York’s MTA COVID test results, employee info accidentally posted online

  1. So much for medical record privavy. Do you remember when Obamacare came out and many of us were concerned that our medical records would illegally be available?


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