New Zealand Protest Convoy Blocks Capital: Demands End to Vaccine Mandates – IOTW Report

New Zealand Protest Convoy Blocks Capital: Demands End to Vaccine Mandates

Breitbart: Hordes of vehicles blocked streets around New Zealand’s Parliament on Tuesday, in a protest mirroring others building around the world demanding an end to coronavirus restrictions and vaccine mandates.

An estimated “hundreds” to over a “thousand” vehicles have surged into the capital of Wellington with authorities reluctant to move them on or arrest them due to fears about the “safety” of their “staff.”

New Zealand’s leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has declined to meet with the convoy, saying she is too “busy” to meet her opponents. read more

8 Comments on New Zealand Protest Convoy Blocks Capital: Demands End to Vaccine Mandates

  1. These socialized medical nations are using Covid as an excuse to lock down their citizens. They wont admit that socialized medicine can’t cover the expense of a pandemic w/o going broke. Plus their health care system probably couldn’t handle the stress.

  2. Too busy to meet with her constituents? Sounds a lot like a *Resident in chief that is too busy to make a press conference, but can somehow squeeze time in for some ice cream.


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