New Zealand Puts Entire Country Under Lockdown After Just 1 Single COVID Case – IOTW Report

New Zealand Puts Entire Country Under Lockdown After Just 1 Single COVID Case


Summit News:
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has put the entire country under lockdown after just one single case of COVID was discovered.

Yes, really.

After the isolated case was detected in Auckland, the first nationwide in 6 months, Kiwis across the country were told they’d be placed under a full lockdown for the next 3 days.

“Auckland and Coromandel – a coastal town where the infected person also spent time – will be in lockdown for seven days,” reports Sky News.

New Zealand will now be placed under its first full national lockdown for the first time since the original lockdown over a year ago. more

21 Comments on New Zealand Puts Entire Country Under Lockdown After Just 1 Single COVID Case

  1. I’ll add this to my “headlines I’d love to see” list:

    New Zealand Citizens Put Entire Govt Under Lockdown After Just 1 Single Govt Overreach Case

    I’d love even more to replace “New Zealand” with “U.S.”

  2. Very alarming behavior in Australia and New Zealand – force vaxxing kids, building quarantine zones, harsh lockdowns when there is virtually no spread of Covid. What happens when you are disarmed.

  3. For many year NZ was THE favorite country for ex pats. They always scored high on Heritage’s Index of Economic Freedom;

    A constitutional monarchy (with the monarch living so far away that she was irrelevant) tons of natural resources, centrally located for international trade, and a rugged “can do” spirit with the indigenous peoples, the cities became crowed and the real estate prices exploded.

    But, as with many other constitutional monarchies, looking at you Britain and Canada, they have adopted a woke appeasement approach, hoping the alligator will eat them last, and traded in all their civil liberties for the appearance of safety.

    We must not let that happen here.

  4. One Covid case. So if the patient dies, Covid in New Zealand has a 100% mortality rate and progressives are happy. Unless the patient dies of something else (i.e. dying “with” Covid instead of “of” Covid), in which case I don’t know how to calculate the Covid mortality rate – but probably 100% again under liberal math. But if the patient recovers, then there is a zero mortality rate for a Covid infection – you go, New Zealand. But liberals would be sad.

    Frankly, as eager as government officials are to put everyone on lockdown, I would recommend that the sole Covid patient be very, very careful.

  5. Change the “A” in Auckland to an “F”, what do you get? It seems to me that Australia & New Zealand have both become totalitarian states in just over a year. I have a bad feeling that the same thing is coming soon to us here in America.

  6. When are people going to figure out that this bullshit has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with psychological warfare against the public. They’re wrecking schools, businesses, lives, and societies with this fear mongering bullshit. And the small group of people who thrive off it have a massive power boner over it.

    This shit is going to come to a head. People need to start getting real angry at the utterly worthless fucks who run our western societies. That are completely fucking useless, stupid, and evil.

  7. Joe6pack
    I’m not a real MD, but I could play one on YouTube.
    What I meant was that by not allowing the virus to be introduced to these places, they run the risk of becoming like the early Native Americans when introduced to European diseases.



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