New Zealand to Introduce a “Climate Refugee” Visa – IOTW Report

New Zealand to Introduce a “Climate Refugee” Visa

Watts Up With That: New Zealand is considering adding “climate change” to its list of accepted reasons for claiming refugee status. But in my opinion this initiative is not what it seems.

New Zealand considers creating climate change refugee visas

Minister says experimental humanitarian visa category could be introduced for people displaced by rising seas

New Zealand’s new government is considering creating a visa category to help relocate Pacific peoples displaced by climate change.

The new category would make official the Green party’s pre-election policy which promised 100 visas for those affected by climate change.

As part of the new Labour-led coalition government, the Green party leader James Shaw was given the role of climate change minister.

He told Radio New Zealand on Tuesday that “an experimental humanitarian visa category” could be implemented for people from the Pacific who are displaced by rising seas resulting from climate change.

“It is a piece of work that we intend to do in partnership with the Pacific islands,” Shaw said.

Why do I suggest this offer is a sham? The reason is New Zealand ALREADY offers citizenship to residents of alleged climate hotspot Kiribati – but hardly anyone has accepted the offer.  read  more


10 Comments on New Zealand to Introduce a “Climate Refugee” Visa

  1. Surprising as NZ used to have some of the most stringent/sensible immigration laws.

    There’s always the fine print/truth in these situations. Seems as if Teitiota is a man without a country. Kiribati doesn’t want him & NZ sent him packing (along with his nasty baggage).

  2. Lazlo lives near Sedona AZ, a dimple in the gravity well on the way to California, that some of the loose nuts roll into.
    I had a global warming-patchouli-smelling-sultan pants wearing-type accost me on this rising ocean business.
    I am sure his impassioned listing of speculations posing as facts sounded good in his own ears. I had to let him wind down a bit.
    He went on for quite a while about the beautiful, simple people driven off their paradise because of America’s SUV’s
    Then I asked him some questions:
    “Those red rocks up there, is it true they are from the bottom of some ancient ocean?”
    “How deep do you suppose, a couple thousand feet?”
    I guess
    “What’s our elevation, 5000 feet or so?”
    I guess
    “So the surface of that ocean was at 7000 feet? I thought it was a tropical sea.”
    He looks at me like I’m stupid: The ground was a lot lower then.
    “So the ground goes up?”
    Of Course. Then he gave me a hippie version of tectonic plate theory
    “And down too, probably, huh?”
    His face was priceless.
    He did not move for the longest time.
    In fact, I think he’s still there.

  3. Leftists will ruin New Zealand, its streets flooded with urine, trash, homeless, insane, Islamic and sexually perverted. Its women raped, men beaten, disease epidemic…its welfare system overwhelmed, taxpayers threatened, police misused, education destroyed and replaced with Social Values prescribed by Sociopathic leaders and Climate Change will no longer be feared as much as the Rule of evil men and the breakdown of Law…but not punishment…Climate Change, Diversity, Social Justice etc are merely levers with which to pile Freedom and people into a bin..

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