New Zealand’s ‘voluntary’ gun turn-in reels in a whopping…530 guns – IOTW Report

New Zealand’s ‘voluntary’ gun turn-in reels in a whopping…530 guns

American Thinker: 

The figures are in for New Zealand’s “voluntary” gun “amnesty,” and, well, anyone who understands gun ownership shouldn’t be surprised.

In a nation with 150,000 gun permits and an estimated 1.5 million guns in circulation, the number of actual military-style weapons turned in is…530.

Obviously, not everyone in New Zealand is onboard with the country’s hastily thrown together new law to expropriate weapons in the name of protection from mass shootings.  What that utterly miserable “530” figure shows is mass resistance, in response to the complete stupidity of blaming a mass shooting on the gun, not the foreign terrorist using the gun.  That’s what New Zealand’s lefty parliament came up with in the wake of a hideous mass shooting at a Christchurch mosque last March by an Australian national.  Instead of enacting legislation to, say, keep the likes of this nut out of their country, the Kiwis decided to target New Zealand’s gun-owners in what was abusively called an “amnesty,” suggesting they were the ones who did something wrong.  With turn-ins amounting to a rounding error, it’s obvious they’re resisting.

When the gun grab was first announced, the press mendaciously reported that Kiwis were all in for this kind of expropriation and heaped tons of praise on the national character.  An Agence France-Presse piece that ran in gun-controlled Singapore had particularly dishonest coverage here.

Now the news, delicately expressed by, is that the rest of the gun-owners “might not surrender them.”  With a grand total of 530 in the hopper, ya think?  more here

14 Comments on New Zealand’s ‘voluntary’ gun turn-in reels in a whopping…530 guns

  1. I live alone in a fairly rural area. Even though it’s normally very quiet occasionally there is a need for someone to protect themselves, more often from a wild animal than a wild person. I hope I never need to use a gun in either situation, buy I am fully prepared if the need should arise.

  2. The funniest excuse I heard from the Graboid Journos today was, ” People are just waiting to see how much they can get for their guns before they turn them in.”

    Yeah, you run with that, Grabby McBuyback. Eff you.


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