Newly-Elected Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Declares Blacks Should Be Free To Loot Without Fear Of Criminal Prosecution – IOTW Report

Newly-Elected Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Declares Blacks Should Be Free To Loot Without Fear Of Criminal Prosecution


Brandon Johnson, the newly elected mayor of Chicago, has stated that in order to combat “white supremacy,” black people should no longer be subject to criminal prosecution and be taken out of “state-sponsored policing.”

During the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020, Johnson was an ardent supporter of the “defund the police” movement and spoke on a panel titled “We Don’t Call Police: A Town Hall on a Police-Free Future” in which he praised activists for pushing “an agenda that actually can transform people’s lives,” the Chicago Tribune reports.

“And part of it is removing ourselves away from this, you know, state-sponsored policing,” he said, “but also the tools that have been placed against Black folks that have been used violently, whether it’s policing, or administering standardized tests, or … around how white supremacy finds its way in every facet of our lives, that we have to fight and resist that.”

Johnson also defended looting during the Floyd riots, stating that “what we’re seeing obviously is an outbreak of incredible frustration and anguish” that’s tied to “a failed racist system,” Wirepoints reports:

54 Comments on Newly-Elected Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Declares Blacks Should Be Free To Loot Without Fear Of Criminal Prosecution

  1. Good luck Chicago you just traded in Mayor Gollum a worthless lesbian horrible Mayor and terrible human being for this commie POS who will further destroy Chicago to an even worse turd world status. And how can a Mayoral election with maybe a third of the eligible voters who even bothered to vote be considered a legitimate referendum on the corrupt Chicago city politics. I’ve been thru O’Hare airport once in 1992 and I will never go thru there or visit Chicago under any circumstances ever. Al Capone could run the city of Chicago better.

  2. @ LocoBlancoSaltine AT 1:38 PM

    Ain’t that the truth. I used to watch PBR on a Ridepass subscription I paid for, now that it’s free on Pluto I barely watch it because I have to watch on their schedule, not on demand. I watched an event last weekend and about half way through I noticed that every commercial had black actors in it, every single one.

  3. Well, if looting by blacks will be decriminalized, how long before there is nothing left to loot? Businesses with any sense will leave, and those who stay will soon be stripped bare and have their insurance cancelled.

  4. RadioMattM – The Chinese and George Soros are driving this bus. The intent is to be able to buy up premium real estate for pennies on the dollar a few years down the road.

  5. Any business or honkey remaining in Chicago deserves everything it gets.

    “Hey! That looks like shit! Hmmm … feels like shit … and it smells like shit! *slurp* Damn! It even tastes like shit!
    Sure glad I didn’t step in it!”
    (denizen of Chicago)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Not to sound all alarmist or anything but this sure sounds a lot like what we saw in South Africa, the “White Genocide” killings of white farmers, the crazy black politicians warning that whole families (including pets) need to be exterminated, and the criminal justice system in place failing to either protect white people or punish black people for their crimes.

    The clear implication here is that white people are rich and they got rich off the backs of black folks, so if black folks want to even the tally, even at the risk of violence, well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

    I would recommend all white people to just get out of Chicago, but those same folks voted for this, and since we don’t want them moving anywhere else and poisoning the well, I resign them to their fate.

  7. My thoughts exactly Rich. South Africago. It’s a slippery slope from no prosecution for looting to no prosecution for killing the “undesireable” whites. Hyperbole, I know, but these are bizarre times we are living in.

  8. I don’t think that the assumption that people got what they voted for is correct in the U.S. anymore. The elections turn out the way the DemComms want them to turn out.

  9. Not to worry! The city has a multi-decade long black male culling operation in place to minimize the impact on businesses and the prison inmate population.

  10. “I don’t think that the assumption that people got what they voted for is correct in the U.S. anymore.”

    I’m sure of it. But the fact remains that “people get the government they deserve” – implying that if we tolerate criminal behavior in our election process and in our “elected” officials – then we deserve whatever oppressions they inflict upon us.
    If we want honest government then at some point we must pull our thumbs out of our asses, pull up our pants, turn off the TV, put down the beer, and do justice upon the malefactors. Otherwise we become communist China, nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Detroit, or some similar totalitarian cesspool.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. “…I can hardly wait for the DNC convention…HELL’S YEAH !!!…”

    Ya gotta wonder, will they bite the hand that feeds them or will they take a week long hiatus from prowling the streets? My bet is on the former. They’re animals, it’s what they do.

  12. Deplorable 2nd Class
    AT 2:34 PM
    “Why have police and judges???”

    To protect the criminals and the politicians; to persecute White people with lawfare, “legal” confiscations, and imprisonment; to collect taxes from White prople; and to give all of the foregoing a thin scum of legitimacy.

  13. And you can bet that every leftist mayor in the country is paying close attention to Chicago, seeing exactly how far the people can be pushed before they push back.

    But covid gave us a ready-made blueprint; schools and businesses closed, people fired for not taking the jab, and people locked up in their homes, deprived of their basic freedoms, of assembly, movement, and worship.No, the people will not rebel, they will submit without nary a whimper.

  14. All use people r just jealous your can’t do dat in your up-righty-tighty town. Da boss has my vote & multiple times. Moe free stuff, what moe could u asks for.

  15. Yep, TRF.

    Demonrat Police State. Good making that second step, as I was stuck on the first.

    No state police, means back to citizen justice, so that will be the excuse to further implement the Demonrat police state.

  16. I’d like to see every black woman in Chicago forcibly sterilized and every black male neutered. It’s the only hope for the future of Chicago.

  17. “We Don’t Call Police: A Town Hall on a Police-Free Future”

    Around here that would mean the citizens are free to shoot the looters without consequence.

    The place would be crime free pretty quickly as there would be a constant attrition of bad guys.

  18. Someone needs to publicly post HizzHonor’s address so it can be looted by hiz fellow black bros – without prosecution – see how he likes losing hiz stuff.

  19. Come on, Shaneequa. We’s gunna go downtown to loot, terrorize & kill whitey!!! We’s gunna call all da homies & make it a party! Our main man, homie mayor, said it be aiight.

  20. Of course they’re blaming racism for Wal-Mart pulling out of Chicago.

    It has nothing to do with crime. Wal-Mart is supposed to operate at a loss to support the crime as the mayor wants. Their profit takes a back seat to the new woke agenda. A whole different set of laws, or lack thereof, for blacks.

    If I got together with 20 of my white friends and ransacked our local Wal-Mart we’d all be under arrest with a cop kneeling on each one of us. Not so with Chicago pavement apes. Is that not discriminatory systemic racism? Where’s my reparations?

    Oh, right, I don’t have black privilege.

    Every day our so called elected servants are making me hate my fellow different colored peers less and less for being allowed to break the law without consequence. They are CREATING RACISM where none existed before.


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