Newly Elected Chip Roy (R- TX): “Leadership Failed To Do Their Job” – IOTW Report

Newly Elected Chip Roy (R- TX): “Leadership Failed To Do Their Job”

Republicans react to why the party failed to hold onto the House while gains were made in the Senate on ‘Life, Liberty and Levin.’

h/t CTH

10 Comments on Newly Elected Chip Roy (R- TX): “Leadership Failed To Do Their Job”

  1. Say it, Paul Ryan was a tremendous failure as Speaker and leader of the House GOP. Ryan was the appeaser, willing to bend over and take a knee, legislatively and politically.
    This is Ryan’s lasting Legacy.

    The GOP paid that price November 6th.
    Unfortunately, the entire nation will pay for Ryan’s incompetence for at least the next 2 years.

  2. .45-70, you said it! Wow. I think this was one of the most lucid, awe inspiring political discussion I have ever seen. It highlights how sick our media has become when we have Jerry Springer-type news instead of logical give and take like this. Makes me weep for what we have become.

    So, about the content. I am blown over at what was said about the leadership. Cato is so right, this is all on Paul Ryan. And when they decide on who will be the Minority leader, if it’s McCarthy, we are toast. Burnt toast. Please, God, give the House the leadership they need to buck up and do their jobs.

    Whew. How energizing is it to hear them say exactly what we have been screaming for over the years! Now, I want to go out and whip some leftist’s butt!

  3. In his”heart of hearts” Ryan is and was a progressive liberal. He did what he intended to do! My gym plays CNN. Paul was on at least 3 times the last week in Oct..Doing his best John McC attacks on conservative ideas! I did not have to think why Paul, like John, was on CNN. But seems too many GOP folk are so poor they could not afford to “TAKE OUT YOUR WALLETS AND PAY ATTENTION”

    Ryan hates Ron and therefor hates conservatives. He worked hard in Oct to unelect (am. I making up words?)conservatives. And last count shows he had a 75% success rate!

  4. This isn’t that hard.

    (1) Representative districts are small enclaves, relative to a state. Many of them have distinct demographics. (2) Some have been gerrymandered that way. (3) And finally, in a small area, election fraud, ballot stuffing, is easier to pull off than on a state-wide scale. No head-scratching required.

  5. Olexjrhd has it exactly right about the WI “speaker”. Ryan NEVER was on “our” side. He’s a well established, doubtlessly well paid establishment puke. He did his job very well, selling out those of us who are NOT globalists and their willing sycophants. A kelly green pants, yellow shirt, white golf shoes player kind of guy…


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