Newly Released FBI Text Messages Imply FBI Involvement in 2016 “DNC Hacking” – IOTW Report

Newly Released FBI Text Messages Imply FBI Involvement in 2016 “DNC Hacking”

Dan Bongino:

The release of DNC emails by WikiLeaks on July 22, 2016, the Friday before the week of the Democratic National Convention, enabled Democrats to initiate the narrative that candidate Donald Trump was working with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

A rather stunning text message exchange between the FBI’s Jen Boone, who was in charge of the bogus Carter Page investigation, and several of her colleagues, was declassified on Thursday. Amazingly, this bombshell thread went largely unnoticed by the media.

“Techno Fog,” an anonymous lawyer who has followed the Russian collusion story very closely, posted the exchange on his Twitter page. Surprisingly, as of Saturday morning, this post has not been removed or labeled as controversial by Jack Dorsey’s minions.

Dan Bongino spotted it and covered it on his Friday podcast. Below is an enlarged screenshot taken from Techno Fog’s tweet.

(Note: I believe there is a typo on the date of the first message. Rather than 07/26, the date on the rest of the messages in this exchange, it is written 06/27.) more

7 Comments on Newly Released FBI Text Messages Imply FBI Involvement in 2016 “DNC Hacking”

  1. What I’m seeing doesn’t seem to have any specific meaning and seems subject to being interpreted to mean anything someone wants it to mean.

    Correct me if I’m wrong and show me why I am if you will, I’m not an authority on the subject.

  2. Coincidentally, Judicial Watch just announced this last week:

    “Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today [12/02/2020] that it received 243 pages of records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Obama administration’s scanning the election systems of Georgia, Alaska, Oregon, Kentucky and West Virginia in 2016. This activity prompted a letter from then-Georgia Secretary of State (now Governor) Brian Kemp to then-DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson accusing DHS of, “an unsuccessful attempt to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall.”


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