Newlywed Couple Shamed Over Their Racy Wedding Cake Topper – IOTW Report

Newlywed Couple Shamed Over Their Racy Wedding Cake Topper

KFI: Many newlyweds try to make their wedding a memorable event that is unique to them. Whether this is done with decorations or floral arrangements or the dress, brides and grooms want their personalities intertwined with their nuptials. Usually, this is accomplished seamlessly and beautifully, but that’s not always the case, which is what happened to one couple who have come under fire for their choice of wedding cake topper.

Instead of going with a traditional cake topper, they chose to have one specially-made that resembled them. Typically this is just a cute customization changing the look of the figures, but they went beyond that, and rather than having their pair just holding hands, they chose to have the topper’s groom do something a little “cheeky” to the bride. MORE

27 Comments on Newlywed Couple Shamed Over Their Racy Wedding Cake Topper

  1. Well, it’s their wedding. Maybe the bridal shower would have been a better choice for that. Could habe been much, much worse these days. At least it’s a bride and groom!!

  2. …and if you’re too much of a prude to think newly married couples aren’t so horned up for each other that they’re not gonna start consumating as the limo drives away, then you’ve either not been married yourself, are too far from it to remember, and aren’t a human being and probably should just stay the fuck home so you don’t bring the room down…it’s not like this will be at the CHURCH, but at the reception, so they’re not being sacrilegious or anything…and as far as future kid shaming goes, well, I have TWO cake toppers (no divorce – one wedding, one renewal) that I’ve NEVER had cause to take down and show my son; and as for pictures, Crazy Uncle Tom puking down the maid-of-honor’s decolletage will get WAY more urchin curiosity than some out-of-focus effort at the backs of plastic figurines if you’re so foolhardy to supply the younguns with an unedited photo album in an unsupervised manner…

    …It’s a joke.

    Lighten up, Francis…

  3. ♫♪♫ Why don’t we d-do it on the cake?
    ♫♪♫ Why don’t we do it on the cake?
    ♫♪♫ Why don’t we do it on the cake?
    ♫♪♫ Why don’t we do it on the cake?
    ♫♪♫ Grandma will be watching us,
    ♫♪♫ Why don’t we do it on the cake?

  4. Compared to the disgusting crap that inundates us these days—e.g., Drag Queen Story Hours with Lascivious Not-so-Mime Performances—this is nothing.

    Besides, if Grandma is offended, she could get a can of whipped cream and restore the back of the bride’s dress. And on the cake, too.

  5. …and for you folks that think THIS is too raw, do yourself a favor and don’t EVER look up the origins of the first wedded kiss…let’s just say a kiss was a STARTING point in early marriages where they wanted WITNESSES to actual consummation…

  6. …you think THAT’S bad, my wife brought THIS lawn ornament home once.

    …I couldn’t find a picture of the other side, but please believe me when I tell you that the female pig has her hand lovingly cupping the clothed male pig’s plastic buttock in much the same manner as the groom figurine is the bride figurine in the article.

    My wife thought this was funny and cute until I told her the work this was based on, “American Gothic”, was a farmer and his DAUGHTER, which makes the pigs pretty incestuous, actually…

    …yes, joy killer is moi.

    But as far as the cake topper goes, though, like @Conservative cowgirl said, at least it’s a man and woman.

    To which I would add, and not a father and daughter, either…

  7. Jimmy
    JULY 24, 2020 AT 12:11 AM
    “@SNS – so, is his hand being applied “Liberally” -or- “Conservatively?””

    …I would say, “Hornily”, which, to judge by bipartisan gropings that taxpayers get to pay for, transcends ideological differences when there’s a rump to be rumpled…

  8. OAfter reading the setup, I was expecting something REALLY raunchy. This I found funny and kind of cute. Assuming the back of the cake was facing the wall or the wedding couple’s table, I’m sure no one was scandalized. I think even my late mother would have laughed, and she was as prudish as they come.

    Edit: This is Tony R. Sent before I finished my sig

  9. jellybean JULY 24, 2020 AT 12:40 AM
    “With all the shit today, we need some humor.
    Important part is the marriage remains strong.”

    …we’re coming up on 25 years next month in MY marriage, and all I can say is that I very MUCH appreciate my wife’s sense of humor every time I look in a mirror…

  10. Stop with all the pearl clutching. It’s a cake topper. And it’s cute. In a couple years they will have naked Ken and Barbies strewn all over the house.


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