News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew – IOTW Report

News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew

ebola clean up
h/t Leonard

39 Comments on News chopper caught Ebola clean-up crew

  1. If it wasn’t aerosolized before, it is now.

    BTW, how long was it lying there? How many flies landed on it and then went on to other things…like neighbors, or food? Did feral animals mess around with it? You know, like rats, etc?

    So many questions, so few expectations of answers.

  2. Doubt the apartment maintenance crew were warned it was ebola vomit. Lets hope the vomit was in the sun long enough to kill the virus. Otherwise a cluster f@ck and cluster ebola infections in the making.

  3. I believe Major Mal is correct.

    The sick guy threw up before he was taken to the hospital the second time and diagnosed.
    These clean-up guys were probably just doing their usual thing…go out and hose it down.

    But, FFS, people better get educated. And FAST!

  4. Oh I thought they were cleaning up the deuce Rosie O’Donnell dropped in the parking lot. Whew! I thought I was staring down The Bubonic Plague II there for a minute, relieved!

  5. I think they cleaned it up so they can put his mattress out there in the morning. Someone will probably steal that…
    It wouldn’t surprise me if his clothes had been picked over, too.
    Where is common sense of the people who should be in charge?

  6. This is a f@(&!ng disaster. Your leaders will not protect you. They think Ebola is some ‘issue’, to be handled with a speech and PC approach, designed to fix the problem of sagging poll numbers. I don’t want anyone to get Ebola. Seal the damn borders already! At least turn away anyone who was in Liberia, Sierra Leone, etc in the last 3 months.

  7. This is the Obama administration in a nutshell. Let an Ebola victim in the country to fraternize at a densely populated apartment complex. Have him throw up all over the walkway before sending out two completely unprotected beaners with a pressure washer to weaponize the shit.

    Anything that can be screwed up is being screwed up.

    Where are the people making sure that family stays quarantined? I read visitors were going in and out of their apartment all day.

  8. This is why the Director of CDC has that deer-in-the-headlights look on his face when he starts getting the really unpleasant questions at his pressers.

    This always has had the potential to get completely out of control and I think we are just starting to see the signs of a world pandemic. This is a no-shit world health emergency, has been for quite some time and even now the response is at least six months behind the curve.

    Tucker Carlson said it well on SR today….at the very time we desperately need to trust our government and its institutions, we can not.

  9. “Rick Perry’s possible future presidential ambitions relies on how well or how badly this all goes”

    well, that AND the fact that about 40-45% of those jobs he claimed to create went to fkn illegal aliens

  10. I worked for a landscape maintenance company 35 years ago which subsisted on Section 8 apartment complexes. We spent more time shoveling up eroded dirt than cutting grass. The picture takes me back to my youth. So there’s that.

    Gimme a break, y’all. I’m trying to get to a good place with this stuff.

  11. Hopefully the UV rays from the sun did the job that God intended them to do. That is the only possible redeeming aspect to letting the barf set there.

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