News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions – IOTW Report

News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions

Conservative Treehouse: 

Things are going to get interesting in the Michael Flynn sentencing review; not because of the recently release documents [Here – and Here – and Here] but rather because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects what we’ve previously outlined.

In addition to the documents, Judge Sullivan is asking the DOJ to provide the transcript of the 12/29/16 call between Mike Flynn and Ambassador Kislyak.

Why is this important?  Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI.  Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI.  MORE HERE

17 Comments on News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions

  1. The very fact that there is a transcript available states that a wiretap, or spying, was taking place at that time. Said time was before authorization to ‘spy’ on Flynn, which causes the question of: was a foreign ambassador being spied upon? That seems less likely, as it would cause an international uproar.
    Not only should they have to produce the transcript, but also the recordings of the conversation and the justification for being able to obtain them.

  2. The good thing for Flynn is that this will likely completely exonerate him from all criminal charges and penalties. The bad news is that he’s still broke, and the fact that he fell for this means that he may not have much value to Trump as a counter-intelligence specialist, since he failed to foresee the counter-intelligence operation that ensnared him.

    And he likely has no one to sue to get his cash and good name back.

  3. I hope Gen Flynn gets exonerated, his full pension and benefits restored and reimbursed for all his expenses.

    These so-called Process Crimes aren’t really crimes. In reality they are CRS issues; “I can’t remember shit so yeah what you’re saying sounds plausible.” Then the overpaid under-supervised unelected unaccountable Gummint bureaucrat yells “gotcha!”

  4. Oh how I want to see that cunt Yates swing from the yardarm.
    Also if Flynn is exonerated given everything he knows from his previous position he can have a field day of payback.
    Sometimes life is good!

  5. I hope they make that cocksucker Mueller purchase a new home for Flynn, he deserves reparations for what they did to him and his family.
    Again, sometimes life is good!

  6. He’ll likely get his retirement bennies back, but no one will touch him with a 50 foot pole. Both good and bad. Some generals make $$$ becoming advisors and PR people after retiring from the military, as we know.
    I don’t think they’ll be calling Flynn for anything other than for book quotes.

  7. @ MJA – I was JUST thinking I am looking forward to reading HIS own book, the tell ALL. What was the name of the interim that tripped him up, what’s her name can’t think of it right now, short blond hair, temp Obama appointee?

    I do not think he will recede into the shadows, especially, when POTUS wins in 2020 or DJTjr 2024 if things go really well! And if POTUS is successfull in even a half draining of The Swamp.

    The Swamp drain, after the plug is removed, will have to constantly monitored because it will clog again if not maintained.

    Btw, DJTjr was on Levin last night and we will be hearing more I am shure.

  8. @Mansfield Lovell. You took the words out of my mouth. Exactly. What you say is so true.
    Example of a “process Crime,”
    Agent: Last time we spoke you said that the car you drove to the meeting was red. Correct?
    Witness: Correct.
    Agent: According to the Manufacturer’s Manual, the car is listed as “crimson.” Are you aware of that?
    Witness: No.
    Agent: You lied to a Federal Officer.
    Witness: I, well, uh, what the hell, ah…..
    Agent: I am charging you with perjury. Your car was crimson, not red, got it? You’re a lair!
    Witness: Oh FFS!
    Agent: Get yer self a lawyer Jack.

    Would I exaggerate? (I think it was Dan Bongino who gave that example of a “Process Crime.”)

  9. For some reason, Hillary in an orange jumpsuit would make a hysterical Cheetos commercial.
    “Hmmm, looks like an over-ripe orange.”
    “Mmmm, I’m not seeing it….”


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