News Outlets Sue to Get Information On The Paul Pelosi Story – IOTW Report

News Outlets Sue to Get Information On The Paul Pelosi Story

The Paul Pelosi attack story disappeared from the news for a reason; the courts are blocking the details from getting out.

RedState: It was in late October when the dire news broke that the husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been attacked in their home with a hammer. For a couple of weeks, the story raged, as conservative news outlets and loose-tongued Republicans were blamed as being the force behind the attack on Paul Pelosi. But soon, details emerged that countered the initial outrage reports, and before long, the story began to rapidly fade from news cycles.

Suddenly, it went from being the story reporters could not shut up about to the story no one was allowed to discuss. At NBC News, a report about the night of the attack was taken down entirely, with the reporter suspended as their story was memory-holed. At the Washington Post, columnist Philip Bump forgot that he was a journalist as he delivered a screed that explained why we should not want to have the footage and other evidence from that night released to the public. 

By December, the story had all but vanished, and this was despite the fact that there was a preliminary hearing on the 14th of last month, as the San Francisco DA brought up charges against David Depape, the man accused of attacking Pelosi. During that hearing, a raft of evidence was brought forward, including police body cam footage, tapes of the 911 call, interview details taken from the scene that night, and video from the security system monitored by the Capitol Police in D.C. more

10 Comments on News Outlets Sue to Get Information On The Paul Pelosi Story

  1. I ain’t buying any of this. We’re being manipulated by the Chinese controlled MSM. This Pelosi story is a distraction. The CCP sure as hell does not want you focusing on all the undeniable democrat scandals and felonies being exposed.

  2. The traitorous criminals of the political class are ABOVE the law – just as they were in Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, present-day China, every banana “republic,” and every tyranny since time immemorial.

    That whole “self-determination” idea is shattered – we have acquiesced to a protected, separate, ruling caste.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. While the media is at it, they also need to demand everything related to the time he wrecked his Porsche. Police body cam, witnesses, name of the other driver, etc.

  4. Who cares? The guy is a pickle smoocher with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peal. Nothing meaningful to be done …until the White Throne Judgement.

    Paul, it doesn’t have to be this way; find a Baptist pastor, or any other pastor of a saved congregation, and get help. It’s never ‘too late’ …unless you die without salvation.


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