Newseum, The D.C. Journalism Museum, to Close – IOTW Report

Newseum, The D.C. Journalism Museum, to Close

Democracy dies from lack of funding.

WFB: The Newseum, a self-congratulatory monument to the media located in our nation’s capital, will close at the end of the year amid longstanding financial difficulties, proving once again that President Donald J. Trump cannot stop winning and will never stop owning the libs. more here

25 Comments on Newseum, The D.C. Journalism Museum, to Close

  1. $15M, 72 hours, that’s how you do it, scum sucking Progs.
    I’m surprised they didn’t find a way for taxpayers to fund it.
    Self-praise is so unbecoming in a journalist.
    Acosta and Cuomo, two examples.

  2. Went there on opening day (avoided the outrageous $20 entry fee, too).
    What a POS non-museum but, even back then, they had a *tiny* corner set aside for “new” online media. Was the only part I spent any time looking at.

    The one nice thing about the building is the 1st Amendment inscribed in stone on the entry facade.

    Hopefully, they can re-purpose the building to a DUAL MEMORIAL:
    1) Trump 4EVA museum
    2) “Never Again” Traitors to America, whom he took care of…

  3. AA, I know, right? It’s like they were hoping for a white knight to save them, but nobody gave a damn..

    Or maybe like the furniture store that’s been “GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!!! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!” for thirty years.

  4. Closed by lack of funding. Great. Perhaps this is an indication of liberals having to pick and choose their causes (which are many). Throwing away their money on a bunch of useless parasitical political candidates has had an effect. My motto has always been DEFUND THE PARASITES. During the Obama years they had billions of tax dollars funneled to them (student loans and remember the “stimulus”?). Now the tables have turned and will continue to turn during Trump’s second administration. Defunded liberals will have to get real jobs which will tend to make them more conservative. MAGA!

  5. They should rearrange the museum into historical eras, with, say, one section for pre-1861, 1861 to WW1, WW1 to 1963, and then 1963 to present. That last one could be entered by going through a door that opens out on the alley by the dumpsters.

  6. It should be renamed to “Nauseam” in the meantime.

    I wonder if they considered just opening their doors for free to see if visitations increased. It would be the Socialist thing to do, after all.

    But, no. As a final tribute to the death of journalism in America, the Newseam is offering a 15% discount on the $24.95 price of admission until they close on December 31.

    That’s kind of funny, actually.

  7. TO Uncle Al
    “…and then 1963 to present. That last one could be entered by going through a door that opens out on the alley by the dumpsters.”

    But only if the dumpster is permanently on fire, the media’s “eternal flame”….

  8. The Newseum has some worthy features: In a 9/11 exhibit, the FBI’s translation of page 1 of Mohammed Atta’s “The Last Night” with instructions 1-9 is displayed on the railing facing the exhibit. The evil of Islam is on display, for those with eyes to see.
    In another area, front pages of 9/12 newspapers cover a wall adjacent to the WTC antenna mast. Some headlines are more bold than others, such as SF Examiner’s “BASTARDS!” It’s satisfying to see the worldwide outrage. The display screams Never Forget.


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