Newsom cuts ad encouraging Floridians to move to California – IOTW Report

Newsom cuts ad encouraging Floridians to move to California


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is featured in an Independence Day ad encouraging Florida residents to move to California.

The ad, paid for by the governor’s reelection campaign, is an early salvo in what could be a 2024 presidential showdown between Newsom and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). It follows more than 360,000 people leaving California in 2021 and moving to places such as the Sunshine State due to affordability, state regulations, and access to jobs, among other things.

“It’s Independence Day — so let’s talk about what’s going on in America,” Newsom says in the ad, which he tweeted out on Sunday. “Freedom is under attack in your state,” he adds before taking aim at Republican leaders.

“I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight — or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom: Freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and the freedom to love,” Newsom says. “Don’t let them take your freedom.” more

27 Comments on Newsom cuts ad encouraging Floridians to move to California

  1. Fat chance. My daughter just sold her house in wine country here, they’re packed up and ready to move to Florida. Her husband is an electrical contractor. Daughter likes how DeSantis governs. I reminded her that politics change every 4 years, and DeSantis eeked out the race against a socialist. Wherever you go there you are. Daughter is changing her career from medical to ___________.

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  3. Real online home based work to make more than $14k. Last month I made $15738 from this home job. Very simple and easy to do and earnings from this are just awesome for details. For more detail visit the given interface..

  4. The thing thats freed the most in California is the money in your wallet. Its freed so the idiots in charge can spend it on things that dont effect or help you.

  5. To paraphrase a comment I saw elsewhere, Noisome and the Dems could have had the same benefit from their ad money, and for a lot less effort, by tossing it into a trash can and lighting it on fire.

  6. “I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight — or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom: Freedom of OUR speech (not YOURS), freedom to choose what WE tell you to choose, freedom from ever paying any sort of consequences for spreading hate, and the freedom to practice any sort of perversion you want and call it love,” Newsom says. “Don’t let them take your freedom.”

    You gotta read between the lines, man…

  7. Please all you left-tards, move! GTFO of Florida.
    Summer used to be a quiet time here.

    I have to wait 3 weeks fora CT scan because there are so many new people here, and QUest isn’t taking walk-in patients any more because they’re overwhelmed.

    Go back to Dippity-Do.

  8. Hey Newsome, while you’re at it, how about calling back to CA, all the progressive assholes who moved to OR, WA, NV, ID, and AZ who ruined or are in the process of ruining THOSE states.

  9. @Wildman: Every time I purchase something and the checkers asks me if I want to round it up to the next dollars for ____________, I lecture them on why I won’t give them more money. It’s every where I go, I’m hit up for more money. Now my next move will be “don’t even ask.” Checkers are being used as fundraisers instead of a checker for the store.

  10. Gotta agree with noisy Newsom: ’bout time someone trucked all those NYC blues who are tilting the great state of Florida into the Socialist Sea out to where they’d feel far more comfortable


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