Newsom Makes An Ass Of Himself – IOTW Report

Newsom Makes An Ass Of Himself

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Imagine fleeing a state based on its high crime, high taxes, wretched infrastructure, wokester failing schools, and general unliveability — and then seeing its governor follow you to your new state, and wherever else you go.

That brings us to Gavin Newsom, the swell-headed governor of California, who’s been making an ass of himself lately. It’s like he’s obsessed with the people who want nothing to do with him.

Start with his latest stunt:

SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 22 (Reuters) – California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a law that would allow private citizens to sue people who sell, manufacture or distribute assault weapons and guns made at home to avoid tracing.

The law is a swipe at a Texas law that allows individuals to sue anyone who helps a woman obtain an illegal abortion in the state.

Newsom, a Democrat who has been mentioned as a possible presidential contender, signed the legislation on the same day he released an ad in Texas criticizing the state’s reproductive rights policies.

Hear that? He’s running ads in Texas, criticizing the citizens’ elected state legislature, as if people who fled that state want to hear another word from him, and grosser still, is mocking the Texas law with a law of his own for California around the issue gun control. He can’t seem to write laws of his own, so he ‘borrows’ from others. Brokeback Mountain Cowboy just can’t quit Texas. more h/t NAAC.

13 Comments on Newsom Makes An Ass Of Himself

  1. He was called Gavin “Blewsome Men” when he was attending Santa Clara University because of suspected homosexual activity. I knew him at that time and he was an asshole and fruitcake

  2. Like Joe Biden, Nuisance Newsom isn’t especially bright nor does he bring anything useful, healthy, or beneficial to that state’s table. Keep in mind also that like Biden, the known blackface-wearer Newsom is also anti-miscenegation, meaning he opposes aggressively interracial marriage and any which produces race-blended children. (fact hidden by Newsom, politicians, and msm).

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