Newsom Signs Formal Apology For CA ‘Facilitating And Permitting The Institution Of Slavery’ – IOTW Report

Newsom Signs Formal Apology For CA ‘Facilitating And Permitting The Institution Of Slavery’

Before signing the apology, Newsom shot down two reparations bills.

11 Comments on Newsom Signs Formal Apology For CA ‘Facilitating And Permitting The Institution Of Slavery’

  1. I am a California native as is my wife, we were both born in the late 50s, and my two sons, but we now live in the south due to business. We still have some family in the state but most have moved out or is dead.

    The Dems have taken over the governments of most of the California from local to the state. This decision of reparations is plain stupid as the state never had slaves even when under Spanish rule. The only slaves ever were in some tribes of Native Americans before they were freed.

  2. Weren’t Asians more or less slaves in California during construction of the railroads? I believe that’s why Asians are a large part of the population. Their descendants may need reparations. Here in the South it’s Blacks. California – Native Americans and Asians. Hell – just pay everyone big bucks. Every racial group were slaves at some point in time. California is so underwater a few more billion won’t hurt.

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