Newsom’s Absurd Thanksgiving Rules – IOTW Report

Newsom’s Absurd Thanksgiving Rules

DailySignal: This Thanksgiving, Californians have a variety of onerous government restrictions to be thankful for. Near the top of the list (right under worship bans) come the restrictions on Thanksgiving itself.

The California Department of Public Health’s latest “Guidance for Private Gatherings” imply the state is now the head of your household.

Here are some mandatory highlights:

  • “All gatherings must be held outside.”
  • “Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited.”
  • “As much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers. If providing single-serve containers is not possible, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering.”

And here are some recommendations and concessions: more

23 Comments on Newsom’s Absurd Thanksgiving Rules

  1. They’re bringing virus patients across the border from mexico to US hospitals in El Paso and then complaining that the virus is out of control in the US and we need a lockdown.

    “A whistleblower in El Paso, Texas told FOX 14 reporters that local firefighters are making several trips a day to the border with Juarez and brining sick Mexicans to US hospitals in El Paso.

    The whistleblower said some days it’s only 3 or 4 trips to the border but on other days the firefighters make 13 to 14 trips to the border to bring the COVID patients to US hospitals.”

  2. All these oppressive governors, they’re usually highly popular with the people and will press ahead with their agenda with no effective opposition because of it.

    They will never let up, never back down, as long as there is something in it for them (and that something us usually unbridled power and control).

  3. I have a friend who lives in Cali and when I call her over the weekend, I’m going to be asking how Gruesome Newsom is working out for her. 🤔 😁

    Update on my email to Brach’s Candy on Orange Man Good Candy Corn, they responded and said their marketing team is going to look into it. 😉 Wouldn’t it be awesome if they rolled with it? 🇺🇸 MAGA

  4. This is only a partial list of rules. Others are:

    1. In lieu of a Thanksgiving prayer, attendees must curse white males and wail about white privilege.
    2. Food must be served cold because hot food may spark wild fires.
    3. Thanksgiving gatherings must be during the day because the state cannot guarantee electricity for night time dinners. (Also – no candles).
    4. Rules limiting the number of attendees and mask requirements are waived for BLM/Antifa gatherings so long as at least $5,000 in property damage is assured.
    5. Guests may use restrooms located indoors, or defecate on the streets and sidewalks outside if they prefer.

  5. Newsom should put the words L.A. & Homeless into any search engine and look at the real problem.
    Dirty people in the street defecating wherever they please and no sanitation.
    Another out of control leftest.

  6. California (and other state dictatorships) still have Thanksgiving?! I thought it was declared illegal due to its white supremecy over the indians and other “indigenous peoples”.

    Seeing that it’s still alive and kicking in CA, let’s consider these “guidelines”:

    No more than 3 families: Does “The Science” (and “The Experts”) KNOW that there’s no risk with just three families? How do they know? Was there published, peer-reviewed research? How about just two families? What happens to the spread of ChinaVirusWeapon with 3.5 families? And what about people who “identify” as “family”, but aren’t related by blood? Does this apply only to blood relatives or are in-laws considered “family” too?

    Now let’s look at the “sanitized server person”. How often is “frequently”? Is that once per hour, per half hour? Or is that between serving one person and the other? What if the sanitized server touches his or her face mask or bumps up against one of the family people while serving? What does “The Science” say about this? Where’s the proof that ChinaVirusWeapon is held at bay by this protocol? They don’t even tell you which soap or any soap to use.

    I’ve never seen: Turkey, stuffing, cranberries, gravy, green bean casserole, or olives packaged in single serving packaging.

    I suppose Californians can all sit at the kids’ table this year and suck on their juice boxes and eat their single serving snack food like Gogurt and Gold Fish crackers, and play “let’s pretend” Thanksgiving.

    I wonder how Newsom and his family intends to celebrate Thanksgiving?

  7. Here’s my shorter point: As soon as someone who doesn’t live in your house crosses the threshold (mask or no mask), if they have ChinaVirusWeapon, you’ve already been exposed to it. Whether you wash your hands a lot, serve food in individual servings, or limit the group to three families has no basis in FACT that you are ameliorating the spread of the virus. Anything you are told to do is just freak show window dressing for a superstitious and asinine governor.

  8. …the idea is to kill Thanksgiving, because it gives thanks to the Lord.

    That’s his whole purpose with all this.

    Next up: no Christmas, too, because the name of Christ is a covid superspreader, or something, no worries he’ll figure it out, he’s Nancy Pelosi’s nephew so he just knows EVERYTHING better than you…

    We will have 24. Gavin has no enforcement mechanism. For anything he spews. Like I say, it’s good comedy. No one pays any attention to his shit.
    Gavin gold was put your mask back on while you’re chewing though. People are still laughing about that one.


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