Newspaper Refuses To Publish Description Of Mass Shooter To Prevent ‘Stereotypes’ – IOTW Report

Newspaper Refuses To Publish Description Of Mass Shooter To Prevent ‘Stereotypes’

Cue the sainted momma: “He’s a good boy. A very good boy.”

Conservative Brief: We have now gotten to a time in our nation where stating the facts of a case are considered controversial by some, especially progressives.

Take the case of a mass shooter in Austin, Texas where a mass shooter injured 14 people on Saturday. The police provided a description of the black male shooter but one of the most prominent newspapers in the nation, The Austin American-Statesman, refused to publish the description of the shooter.

“Police have only released a vague description of the suspected shooter as of Saturday morning. The Austin American-Statesman is not including the description as it is too vague at this time to be useful in identifying the shooter and such publication could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes. If more detailed information is released, we will update our reporting,” an editor’s note at the end of the story read. more here

21 Comments on Newspaper Refuses To Publish Description Of Mass Shooter To Prevent ‘Stereotypes’

  1. Maybe the FBI should stop publishing crime statistics based on race, because it is those damned statistics that are perpetuating these “racist” stereotypes!

  2. [“During the Saturday news briefing, Chacon said authorities had identified two male suspects responsible for the shooting, and added that it appeared this was an isolated incident between the two parties,” it said.]
    But 14 people were shot? Whatta load of manure!

  3. Asian boy, 5 fot 9 inches, carrying a cello case, with an IBM laptop style back pack.
    Last seen wearing a clean white collared shirt, navy dress pants, with polished black leather shoes.
    Do not approach as the suspect may be armed with Blue gel pen or mechanical pencil as backup.

  4. **** breaking now *****

    *** Update to above *****

    Said suspect was just seen getting up and offering his seat on the bus to a perceived elderly woman. Charges will now be upgraded to public Miss gendering as this victim self identified as non binary.

  5. The soon to be “Portland” of Texas…Austin

    The liberal locusts arrived on the “Apple wind” and have eaten the last of the old wheat. Not to worry they’ll be eating their own stores before long.

  6. Austin, houston, dallas/fartworth, san antonio and EP, not necessarily in that order, are little more than cancerous growths on an otherwise healthy Texas.
    Seems both left coasts have metastasized here.
    Metro areas suck; geographic location regardless.

  7. Meanwhile, every day for the past three days, multiple news services have posted on Twitter a picture, name, and hometown of a white man charged with a “hate crime” in Florida because he was walking his dog and some Asian kids kept petting his dogs after he told them to stop. He pushed one away, called him a zipperhead or whatnot, and not he’s being charged with a federal hate crime.

    Why? Because our fascist society must convince the public that Asian bashing is a white thing, when anyone with an ounce of common sense knows it’s black people beating an murdering Asian just for being Asians and no conflict is even required to initiate the violence.

    They’re gonna destroy that one white guy to ram their bullshit all-Trump-voting-honkeys-are-evil-racists narrative down every morons throat, where they will greedily eat it up.

  8. Mom said in 1095 Austin wants to be Frisco. Did not understand here 71 years ago. Have understood well since 1989!

    As dad would have said, “Austin is a poor man’s Frisco”!

    STEREOTYPES! DiFi would have said that 40 years ago!

  9. @ Mr.Pinko JUNE 14, 2021 AT 11:34 AM

    Shut down on most sites and local newspapers in late 2019 early 2020 preparation for a major spring offensive by the progressive movement. I posted about something major coming when I saw that dynamic playing out.


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