Newsroom commando Ralph Peters cashiers himself – IOTW Report

Newsroom commando Ralph Peters cashiers himself

h/t Really Enraged.

American Thinker: Cashiering is a historical military ritual in which an officer who has betrayed his oath or failed in his duty is required to stand before the assembled troops and have all symbols of rank and service stripped from his uniform, to demonstrate most forcefully the disgrace he has brought upon himself and possibly them.  His cap is knocked off and crushed underfoot; epaulettes or shoulder boards are ripped from his tunic; brass buttons are cut away; all medals, awards, and symbols of rank and past service are torn off and dropped in the dirt; and finally, his formal sword is broken over the knee of a fellow officer, with the two pieces scornfully cast at the disgraced officer’s feet.

BRANDED -Chuck Connors- NBC 1965 -1966

It is a rite of personal and professional degradation, purposely intended to convey as much contempt and evoke as much shame as possible, to deter other officers from bringing such dishonor upon themselves and their services.

This weekend, retired lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters went on CNN’s dubiously titled Reliable Sources and, in the presence of the show’s serially unreliable host, Brian Stelter, and all those unfortunate souls in airport waiting areas across the nation being force-fed this liberal Sunday-morning drivel, cashiered himself.  It appears that fulminating Trump Derangement Syndrome brought this former Fox News military analyst to perform this sad ceremony.

To his credit, he did a bang-up job of it.   MORE

24 Comments on Newsroom commando Ralph Peters cashiers himself

  1. Chuck Connors already beat you to it in the TV show Branded back in the 60’s. And Custer would certainly been cashiered if he’d survived the Little Big Horn.

  2. Lt. Col has been a far left GWB man at least 20 years. Only thing new here is he is pushing the left agenda on CNN not Fox. Still the same liberal B.S. that he gave at Fox.
    I was at the gym and saw him put forward his Bush B.S. live; and CNN was delighted! Not as #NeverTrump as Goldberg; but just as bad as Ben.

  3. Good writer with a sharp mind.
    Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
    What price?
    How does one turn his back on his country, his Constitution, his home?

    Sad. A true “tragedy” in the original sense of the word.
    He offers not a shred of evidence. Not the least intimation that any evidence is available. Obola abused America and our Constitution – and his cadres still infesting the FedGov continue to do so – and yet, all Ralph can see is the chimera of his delusion – he’s blinded by the miasma of hatred that surrounds him. What has President Trump EVER claimed about illegal alien invaders that WASN’T factual? Name one (at least), please. Name one (at least) time he called out the purveyors of false “news” that was inaccurate.
    Our “news” media is a grotesque propaganda outfit, and the collusion amongst the “newspaper editorials” of the past weeks is ample and complete proof of that. There is not a single glaring difference in the “coverage” provided by the LSM on matters of illegal “immigration,” racial “disparities,” and President Trump’s policies – with the tepid exception of FOX News.

    Sorry, Ralph. Spewing vitriol isn’t the same as providing examples.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Retired Lt. Colonel”, is all you need to know about Peters.
    When they let you go as a Lt. Col., it’s a no confidence vote in his leadership ability.
    No military man retires as a Lt. Col., unless, it’s the end of the road for him.

  5. I retired as a LTC at 20 years but then I had 4 years as enlisted. I KNOW I was a great leader and an asset to the Army but you have a right to your belief OpenTheDoor. I was an Army nurse with a masters degree as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and I guess I wasn’t a military man since I am a woman.

  6. Foreign Policy experts with Russian expertise:
    – Ralph Peters
    – Joey Biden

    Would you take advice from either of those two?

    BTW – Is there ANYTHING that President Trump is doing regarding foreign policy that you would change? To me, there have been pretty much no mistakes from Trump. For example – Listen to his W Virginia speech last night for a pretty good explanation on why he controversially tweaked NATO (to get them off their asses – it worked!).

  7. I hear ya Corky. Thank you for your service.
    My younger Sister is also a retired LTC (Reserve)
    none the less she worked Full time raised 3 children
    With help an Husband (Reserve also).
    Peters can pound sand.

  8. Corky — I’m sure OpentheDoor meant no specific disrespect to you. But it’s a well-known generality that LTC’s who retire as LTC’s (if they are in a command position — which I don’t know if Peters was or not) do so because his/her CO’s, peers, rank and file, do not think much of them. In most cases it’s pure crony courtesy because the aim is to allow them to retire with better retirement pay. But it is a kind of most-favored send off.

  9. I’ve never cared for Peters. Half the time he didn’t know what he was talking about. But this is a good example of prior service Swamp critters using their secure connections to further their selfish interests. Peters makes me think of the kind of guy POTUS Trump always talked about when he scornfully complained about military brass shooting their mouths off on cable tee vee.

  10. There is a new book called ARMSTRONG that just came out by H.W. Crocker the third published by Regnery fiction. What if Custer survived the battle of the Little Bighorn? What if he became a gun-for-hire? And what if he made common cause with a troupe of cancan dancers, Chinese acrobats, an eyepatch- wearing rebel cardsharp, and a multilingual Crow Scout? Then you’d have ARMSTRONG part of The Custer Of The West Series almost dime novels in print. I find it highly interesting that the Crow Indian scout’s name is Billy Jack if you get my drift. I just started reading it and so far it’s pretty good for an old fashioned almost steam punk Western novel. Typical good guy, bad guy Western with Custer impersonating a US Marshall set out to preserve peace and justice in the old west of Montana in the 1870’s and 1880’s.

  11. TDS claims another victim. This puffed up gasbag has not only lost his grip on reality but he demonstrated it in front of one of the most irksome little insects on any of the networks.
    Keeping his hair in curlers every night to ready himself for the cameras must have damaged his fragile brain.

  12. I knew the moment he announced “he was not renewing his contract w FOX”, he was sh*t canned and would be welcome at MSNBC/CNN.

    TAT states he never served on the battlefield. I suspect he’s similar to Davey Hogg, a statuesque 5’5” loud mouth blowhard that garners little attention and even less respect.


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