Newt Gingrich Backs Growing Newsom Recall Effort – IOTW Report

Newt Gingrich Backs Growing Newsom Recall Effort

Daily Wire:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has backed the grassroots effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), who seems to be riding a growing wave of unpopularity related to his COVID-19 policies, such as his recent widespread curfew order and his subsequent stay-at-home order affecting the majority of Californians.

“The ‘blue wave’ that the left-wing media spent months talking about disappeared in California,” Gingrich told Politico in a statement Friday. “This is a direct result of Gavin Newsom’s destructive leadership that has crippled small businesses and sent billions of dollars of California COVID-19 jobless benefits to criminals across the nation.”

As the former speaker notes, California Democrats failed to hold three blue seats in the 2020 election — and a fourth when counting the seat Congresswoman Katie Hill won in 2018, but which Democrats lost in a special election following her resignation. Congressman Mike Garcia (R-CA) retained that seat in the 2020 election. more

5 Comments on Newt Gingrich Backs Growing Newsom Recall Effort

  1. I don’t give a flying flip for Newt. Why did he step down from his speaker seat in mid-term? Somebody had the goods on him? Next, like a mole, he went under ground and then came back wala! an elder statesman. PPFFTT!

  2. …pointless. Best case, you’ll get his vengeful Democrat Lieutenant Governor for a time until Dominion picks someone EVEN WORSE for you. By then they’ll be backed by Federal troops sent by “president” Harris, and they will grind you into the dust for your impudence.

    …you COULD take up arms, except it’s CA and they’re already effectively illegal even for display, so good luck with that…

  3. Small business has been targeted for eradication across the U.S. The shutdowns are a means of targeting those enterprises so that the public is forced to obtain products from the major retailers. Chinese import companies will fill in many of the needs, big AG and our wholesalers will partner with Chinese interests.

  4. He backs recall, does he? Wow. He is really putting himself out there for the people.

    Except for Trump and a few others, we have no leaders, just “backers”.


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