Joe Biden is either a coward or more forgetful than even his harshest critics realize. It’s one or the other.
Last week, during a speech in Michigan, Biden said President Donald Trump “failed to do his job on purpose” when the coronavirus arrived, effectively accusing the president of murder.
“It was a life and death betrayal of the American people,” Biden continued. “Experts say that if he had acted just one week sooner, 36,000 people would have been saved.”
Biden even accused the president of sending the economy into a “tailspin,” adding that the recession was “created by Donald Trump’s negligence.”
It’s remarkable how deeply dishonest each of these statements is. I discuss the truth of the coronavirus pandemic on this week’s episode of my podcast “Newt’s World.” My guest is Karl Rove, a Fox News contributor and Wall Street Journal columnist who served as senior adviser to President George W. Bush from 2000 to 2007.
The truth is that, if anything, President Trump acted sooner than anyone else would have, implementing a travel ban on China in late January despite widespread opposition.
Remember, Biden called the travel ban “xenophobic,” as did other Democrats. Who knows how much longer he would have waited to ban travel from China as president? Imagine how many more Americans would have been infected and killed. more

So he’s either a coward or more forgetful than even his harshest critics realize.
I dunno about that. He could be both. After all, he is Jackass Joe! Keep in mind that for eight years he was the Number One Observatory Circle Jerk who loved to drink, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, couldn’t count past three, told off-color 7-11 dwarf jokes, enjoyed playing mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds and deserved the same general esteem as an Organ Grinder’s monkey that can’t be trusted with a burnt-out match (let alone nuclear codes) not to mention 49 years of zero accomplishments from this Tourettes-addled, grinning imbecile with all the bluff and bluster of the Winnebago man and the mental agility of Karl Childers!
He lies like a man who knows he’ll never have to say it to President Trump’s face.
Biden does what he is told to do and reads from the scripts he is told to read from.
Except when his brain malfunction interferes, then he is liable to unexpectedly do anything.
DumbJoe is doing what he has ALWAYS done, his entire lifelong criminal career. His words should come out of his ass, they lack validity.
He is a glib talker, who says whatever it takes to fool the sheep.
That the democrat party raised him to this level, that the Media supports him, and lies with him and for him, is all you need to regard.
If they ultimately push us to Civil War, so be it. Remember their deceitfulness and that there is no line of decency they won’t cross. (and have, repeatedly)
Newt Gingrich refers us to a podcast with Karl Rove to learn about “Biden’s coronavirus lies”? That’s preposterous! Yeah, I’d like to hear about that subject, very much so! But I want to see it in TEXT, with citations and links, so I can use it in discussions elsewhere. Listening to two politicians rambling on about this, without citations or links, is a lousy way to do it.
I remember when GWB went to Africa to denounce my “xenophobic” President.
so do other conservatives!
Liberals in BOTH parties blasted Don! Both parties!
How many remember various left politicians disputing things and telling their constituents to go ahead and visit various places? Can anyone say San Fran Nan in China Town? Completely disappeared from all media.