Next Gillette Ad Should Target ‘Toxic Femininity’ – IOTW Report

Next Gillette Ad Should Target ‘Toxic Femininity’

AT: Recently, Gillette, the company whose razors have shaved the faces of many a male, as well as the legs of many of a male identifying as a female, officially crossed over to the lassies’ side by launching a marketing ploy that portrays men as salivating troglodytes who alternate between patting women’s heads and behinds.

After rendering most men as louts, the Gillette ad asks America the question: “Is this the best a man can get?”

Granted, on the surface, encouraging anyone to be a better person is a worthy endeavor.  However, a problem arises concerning who it is that gets to determine what a man’s “best” actually is.  Furthermore, Gillette must have forgotten that setting benchmarks for how others should act undermines the foundational argument of the women they defend.  After all, doesn’t the right-to-choose crowd quell its guilt-ridden consciences by espousing that there is no absolute moral truth and that what’s right for a person hinges solely on personal reality and conviction?

Besides, what right does the crowd that tortures unborn males have to criticize men for harassing women?  In any event, if setting an example is the goal of the Gillette ad, the logical place to start might be for the razor magnate to inspire female accusers to refuse to participate in behavior far more toxic than the activities they condemn.

Yet despite the presence of those glaring inconsistencies, Gillette chose instead to glean its inspiration from the #MeToo movement, whose women pride themselves on aborting the offspring of men who have zero say as to whether or not their children get to live or die.

In addition to clips from sitcoms and cartoons and snippets of “boys being boys” doing unacceptable things like wrestling and rabblerousing, the ad also features an activist actor named Terry Crews, who, after being sexually harassed himself, makes an impassioned plea for Congress to “hold men accountable” via legislation that targets things like whistling at shapely women.

If Gillette believes that wagging a marketing finger of rebuke in the face of menfolk has the muscle to defuse the outworking of testosterone, then maybe a Mach 3 could also persuade a certain male Nobel Peace Prize-winner to rethink “bringing a gun to a knife fight” as well as convince him that getting “in the face” of political adversaries isn’t exactly #MeToo-compliant.

With that in mind, the next time Terry Crews addresses Congress, the former football player could majorly impact the recidivism rate of convicted rapists and curtail male-initiated gun violence in the city of Chicago by requesting that Gillette issue free razors to every American male. more

10 Comments on Next Gillette Ad Should Target ‘Toxic Femininity’

  1. Pantywaist leftists are…. the Arbiters of what is good or evil. Arbiters of whom from which to confiscate property and to whom it shall be bestowed. Arbiters of what is proper comedy and what is a hate crime.

    That is what the National Socialist party demands of its citizens.

    They shall grant or deny your race, your gender, your every waking thought.

    Sorry. I lived through the Obama dictatorship. I refuse to suffer another.

  2. Triggered-at-the-drop-of-a-hat Harpies need their own land to infest.
    Antarctica sounds good.
    The way these progressives talk, it will be ready for the plow next Wednesday.
    Off you go!
    Have a nice fooking day

  3. OOOoooooooooo! It’s all such a real world comedy (or not?) of demands and miscommunication. The left wants to round up everyone’s legal guns for all times, in all ways — but call it “commonsense gun laws.”

    The #MeToo movement wants all men accused of rape…. ….even “unwanted touching” or…. ….off to prison! A woman is to be trusted and believed, damn it! And, with the cooperation of Gillette, women intend to “re-train” men to be “less toxic.” ….smile…. Geesh!

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the crazed right, marching on DC today, doesn’t merely want to “talk” women out of an abortion (sorta like making cig smoking uncool….) they want to eliminate any possibility of personal choice for the pregnant loser and turn her into a non-person incubating machine until the cookie pops out of the oven.

    Everybody, it seems, has the perfect answer for everyone else. ….Lady in Red

    PS: BB…The new female soccer coach probably has a better chance than most to turn her sorry team into winners. I know some men who would love to play under her direction. …smile….


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