NFL: ’21 Salary Cap To Shrivel Due To ChinaVirus – IOTW Report

NFL: ’21 Salary Cap To Shrivel Due To ChinaVirus


May 6, 2020

Unknown financial implications from the coronavirus pandemic might force the NFL to reduce the 2021 salary cap by as much as 50 percent, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported.

With uncertainty around the 2020 season, including whether fans will be able to attend games at any point, and other revenue-tied variables up in the air, the NFL enters the summer months planning for the limbo that could follow next offseason.

The annual salary cap each NFL club must abide by is tallied based on net revenue. It reached an all-time high of just under $198.2 million for the 2020 season when the official figure was provided to teams in March, ahead of free agency and the shutdown of the United States because of COVID-19 concerns. read more

16 Comments on NFL: ’21 Salary Cap To Shrivel Due To ChinaVirus

  1. If this happens many contracts will be re-done, plus there will be a massive amount of free agents that won’t cost teams a ton of “Dead Money” & will have to sign for much lower / shorter term contracts. They won’t be able buy anything & everything as they are accustomed to now.

  2. well Boo f*ckin’ Hoo

    only people that care about the NFL & the NBA are fluffers that believe these ‘court jesters’ are somehow actually relevant to life

    … some people (a vast many, it appears) never grow up … & they count on it

  3. The worse thing that the NFL did this Season was to encourage Folks

    to Watch old Games from the 90’s and beyond….It actually showed

    how much better the Game was then..Less Flags, less Ads.

    Football is under attack at all Levels….Me thinks the Powers

    that be, would like nothing more than to Usher in Soccer….

    You know….”The People’s Sport”

    Dark Times for American Traditions…

  4. How in the world will Tyrone be able to support his cocaine addiction by accepting a paltry million dollar contract? Obviously there will be an increase of crime in the shit-hole democrat controlled cities who sport NFL teams. These financial losses could even impact the Cartel’s illegal drug trade, underage prostitution rings and Democrat political donations. Damn that covid19.

  5. I have always hated the salary caps (too much like communism) and it goes exactly into the “if the government can set a minimum wage then by inference they can also set a maximum wage”.
    In discussions of minimum wage I ask the supporter if they would want the gov to come in and say they have to take a pay decrease because they make too much. Shock and awe, not one has been able to wrap their heads around that being possible.
    Just like forcing the housing of someone else other than your family in your home {}. Or in your hotel. I do have a problem with the way the Third Amendment is written. It should have included any government entity or government supported entity so that it would be clear as day that these asshole local governments couldn’t force hotels to house homeless {government supported peoples}.
    But anyway, remove the cap entirely. I know the counter-argument is that teams would be able to build dynasties and dominate for years. But the Packers, Patriots, et al proved you could do the same thing with salary caps.
    While I share the hatred for what is wrong with the NFL, as far as sports are concerned I love football for the game; while that ball is in the air anything can happen, and it usually does.

  6. Sports teams should pay us to watch them.

    Sports is part of the entertainment industry, and I don’t need to be entertained anymore. Sports fans, when they cheer for their teams in huge groups at stadiums, are not much different than a potentially destructive mindless mob with lit torches, bent on doing damage or engaging in violence. This is more obvious in Euro soccer stadiums than in America.

    They are all screaming the same thing and get encouraged by the feeling of unity with others. I am a free person, I think on my own and will not be part of any unorganized, ignorant mob.


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