NFL Players Tell Trump How to Run Department of Justice – IOTW Report

NFL Players Tell Trump How to Run Department of Justice

Unfortunately, none of their solutions seem to address the worsening cultural problems inherent in many of the neighborhoods where crime is a problem.


The NFL has been notorious for years for having a growing percentage of its players involved in domestic violence, drug use, and even murder. Now, a group of football players have come together to tell President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice how it should run things.

The players, Detroit Lions players Anquan Boldin, Glover Quin and Johnson Bademosi, along with the Philadelphia Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins, are featured in a commentary published by CNN on Tuesday where they employ the black lives matter concept that the U.S. justice system is “broken.”

The quartet of retired and current players have gotten together to urge for “reform” of the justice system, arguing that “America is locking the wrong people up for the wrong reasons for too long.”

Each of the players has some unhappy brush with the law in his past, and all feel their experiences were unfair to one degree or another. But, the players also noted that they have spoken to many prisoners who have professed their innocence and related their struggles both inside the justice system and afterward as they try and rebuild their lives.

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14 Comments on NFL Players Tell Trump How to Run Department of Justice

  1. The jails are filled with blacks because blacks tend to be the flat out stupidest and most indiscrete criminals on the planet. Recently, some clown went on Facebook live to brag about all the money he made selling drugs. He’s flashing tens of thousands of dollars in front of the screen. The cops were monitoring him and raided his house while he was bragging online. If the cops hadn’t have gotten him, then surely one of his fellow criminals would’ve robbed him later that night.

    Reasonably intelligent criminals commit crimes to get a lot of money in a short period of time; not to brag to the entire goddamn world about it and get easily prosecuted.

  2. And each and everyone of these millionaires, along with Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan et al, has started some inner city trade school so those that will never play pro sports will have competent skills to earn a damned good living….Yeppers, crickets, just whining…..

  3. I’d consider early release of anybody convicted of a nonviolent crime if they can pass the following exit exam.

    1. Read and write at the level of a private school 10th grader
    2. Know the multiplication table to 12
    3. Be able to solve a simple math word problem (simple algebra)
    4. Recite the Scout’s Oath
    5. Recite the Ten Commandments
    6. Write a coherent essay on why rights are innate and not granted by govt
    7. Read and explain a bank checking account monthly statement
    8. Write a simple family household budget assuming $x income and $y rent
    9. Write an essay on why they can be trusted as a member of a free society

  4. Although I certainly don’t support releasing prisoners who are a threat to society I do appreciate that there are two major factors, particularly over the past 50 years, that have led to the circumstances that turned so many into criminals. I am talking about the ‘Great Society’ welfare lie that Dems implemented beginning in the 60s, and the ‘War on Drugs’ that has been going for a century but which kicked into high gear in the 60s. It is government policies more than anything else which have destroyed black communities. I don’t suggest leniency, but I do suggest changing the policies.

  5. @LeftCoastDan – according to economists Walter E Williams & Thomas Sowell blacks were well on their way to closing the gap with whites academically, in employment and in 2 parent families before the “Great Society” undid all their progress. Both these gentlemen are black men who came up during that time so they should know.

    Here’s a great read from Williams – Blacks Must Confront Reality

  6. I remember watching a story about some NFL fool who had his pregnant girlfriend followed and killed in her car because she wouldn’t get an abortion. That is messed up.

    Here’s what else is messed up. It takes 2 to tango. I don’t mean to say she got knocked up because she could get $$$$ being that the child was his because it seemed like she was in love with him but she just couldn’t trust him anymore.
    But there are gold diggers galore out there in major league sports. And knowing that, those men still don’t take it upon themselves to make sure they are protected when they’re fucking everything in sight, and then we have situations like the one I mentioned above and an innocent baby has to die either through abortion or murder of the baby and mother. Common denominator here? No one takes responsibility for themselves. I’m sick of it.

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