NFL Ratings Continue To Take A Beating – IOTW Report

NFL Ratings Continue To Take A Beating

Trending Politics: The returns continue to come in as to whether the National Football League’s decision to throw in with the divisive Black Lives Matter movement was a sound business choice and it’s not looking good. 

Now that week fifteen games are in the books, viewership is considerably down, especially in the important nationally televised Sunday night window where the game between the Cleveland Browns and the New York Giants saw an ugly 17 point decline. 

All but two of the week’s games were down with the only exceptions being the Thursday night tilt between the Los Angeles Chargers and Las Vegas Raiders and Monday night’s stinker between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Pittsburgh Steelers who have a large national following. 

The ongoing ratings slide confirms what many had predicted that when the NFL and it’s social justice warrior commissioner Roger Goodell chose to throw in with BLM and to suggest that millions of its own fans may be racists would be a monumental strategic blunder. 

That is now evident with the poor ratings. 

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20 Comments on NFL Ratings Continue To Take A Beating

  1. Only in America can people check their Food Stamp balance on a $900 dollar phone and scream about “Oppression”! Fergitabout watching a bunch of over-paid, uneducated, uninformed, worthless, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, no morals, crotch-grabbing, leg-lifting, dog-peeing, End-Zone-humping, Voo-Doo-Dancing, gang-sign flashing, Black Power fisting, Kool-Aid drinking, short attention span, hashtag opportunistic door-knobs and nasty-haired prima-donna thugs who are only too happy to bite the hand that feeds them by kneeling to our flag and National Anthem while telling White America to go fuck themselves!
    Go to Hell MFL!

  2. I don’t feel one damn bit of sympathy for the players or owners who hired this clown. I reserve that for all of the hard working people who made a good living doing the support work. Have I mentioned that wherever the progressive movement achieves critical mass and is able to gain control the end result is increased innocent human suffering? That is so consistent an outcome that it has to be consciously overlooked to not recognize it as what defines progressivism. It applies universally, irrespective to the scale of what institutions they get their filthy hooks into.

  3. TRF,
    Don’t hold back! Tell us how you really feel!

    Seriously though, this is another data point showing that communist Libtardism is a mental disease that poisons everything it touches.

    I can’t remember the name of the “Law”, Rush Limbaugh spoke of it this week, to the point that, unless an organization starts out as strictly conservative, and works to stay that way, they will be invaded by liberals, and turn liberal.

  4. mandatory holographic display of gro-bama actions @ every nba/nfl game: butt-shaking, dick-scratching, ghetto-blasting/littering/parking, illegal-substance smoking, kneeling. negro-phoning, other tnb-selectable options

  5. Sullivan’s Law-any institution or organization that doesn’t expressly strive to remain conservation will, in time, morph to the left.

    Recent examples? The Vatican. National Review. Fox News.

    Examples for institutions morphing to the right? NIOC(National Institute of Crickets)

  6. i have nfl buddies. One watches every game he can and i suspect the other watches more than he claims.

    I went to lunch with the avid pro-trump conservative blm hating white old guy and during the lunch he brought up the Yikings dismal record and not making the playoffs to which i responded with a whaddidyaexpect response and followed up with “I’m not watching the superbowl either” He tried to hide his shock/dismay to which i quickly followed up with “and you can bet your @ss all the commercials will be in your face blm and politically correct propaganda. No more entertaining, sexist commercials for you.

    I will now post this hoping i dont need to go back and edit.

    Edit button, come back !! What did we do to make you leave?

  7. The end zone and interception celebrations really piss me off.

    Imagine the “you are not the father” celebrations these ass clowns can pull off.

    Plus the severely blown calls & constantly being told I’m a rassiss.

  8. NFL small talk is the mandatory Zoom meetings banter we’re forced to engage in while working remote through covid.

    I don’t know what team is playing in what city, what are the records, who plays where. I quit watching at Kaepernick. Anyone who keeps watching after the shit they’ve said about America and Americans in general have no principals.

  9. A few years ago, a team watched all the games on one Sunday. They started a stopwatch when the ball was snapped and stopped it when the ball was whistled dead. The average time that there was any action was approximately 11:30 minutes. Yep. Eleven and a half minutes of action over a 3+ hour time frame.

    Correction, over a 3+ hour BLM commercial.

  10. IMO, all sports are now passe.

    My interest in them is shot to hell, thanks to the leagues and the players themselves. Things have changed for me from the 1950’s through the early 2000’s when I used to be enthralled with their accomplishments.

    No more. I’m done with their bullshit.


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