NFL Source: Kaepernick Turned Down At Least 1 Contract To Play Up The Race Card – IOTW Report

NFL Source: Kaepernick Turned Down At Least 1 Contract To Play Up The Race Card

I think his girlfriend is running this show: “He views himself as a race messiah.”


Daily Caller:

Colin Kaepernick is still a free agent, and an NFL inside source told The Daily Caller Monday that the former 49ers quarterback has no one but himself to blame.

Despite the ongoing narrative that Kaepernick’s very public political views are preventing any NFL teams from offering him a roster spot, TheDC’s source claims Kaep himself has turned down at least one contract in the hopes of stirring up a media frenzy that eventually leads to a more lucrative deal for the 27 year old vet.  MORE


27 Comments on NFL Source: Kaepernick Turned Down At Least 1 Contract To Play Up The Race Card

  1. Any team that signs him deserves the mass exodus in fans that will ensue. A marginal QB who made millions but sees himself as a victim. It wasn’t a white man who abandoned him before his birth. It isn’t lack of white fathers that keep blacks in poverty. It wasn’t a black family that adopted him and gave him every opportunity.

    Where are all the Kaepernick funded youth centers where he sets a good example through personal responsibility & hard work?

  2. born from a roll in the hay, black oversexed man, young white girl

    black man runs away, young white girl puts kaepernick up for adoption

    adopted, supported and raised successfully by white folks who wanted a son, no matter what color

    this crock of lowlife shit knows nothing about racism and is in fact the product of white folk stepping in where the black side of the family failed him

    colin, now is the time to take a knee, shut the fuck up, and go away for good


  3. You had better be a better football player than you are crazy. If he had taken the 49ers to the Super Bowl, I doubt very few fans would have cared. It just like women, you had better “outfine” your craziness or to the trash heap you go.

  4. First, I call BS on him getting any offers.

    Second, (if I was wrong) I want to know what team it was, so we can all hate that team for making any offer to this dirtball.

  5. There were some rumours flying around up here that one of the CFL teams might take a crack at signing him (Hamilton Tiger Cats) but that was never verified and it seems to be, just that, a rumour. Thank God.

    Having listened to him as well as read some of the stuff from his girlfriend and other racist hanger-ons around him I think this guy will never take the NFL field again. Probably a good thing for the league as well as the fans.

  6. 💥 So the N.F.L. (Nothing but F***ing Liberals)… 💥

    💥 Gives a heterosexual league, GAY Michael Sam
    💥 Gives a male league, pink Breast Cancer Awareness
    💥 Gives a male league, domestic violence training PSAs
    💥 Gives a patriotic audience 24/7 coverage of a guy kneeling

    💥 And you DON’T expect the NFL to give a dominantly WHITE AUDIENCE, a foaming-at-the-mouth anti-white racist a job? Pfft! C’moooooooon! Where have you been?

  7. Being offered a contract if fake news for his ego. Nobody needs to have another imbecile that will give fans an excuse not to watch! I have better things to do than watch oxymoronic professional sports!

  8. I just heard on the news (77 wabc Radio) the Spike Lee is holding a
    rally in NYC on August 23rd in front of NFL Hq. to help Kaepernick
    get a job. Lee says the reason he’s not already hired is, well you guess. Yes, RACISM ! Whale Oil Beef Hooked!

  9. some civil rights groups have organized a protest for Kaeppy at the NFL headquarters on August 23rd….Spike Lee will be there so the protest is very important….Spike Lee?…LOL….this is true!….where’s the Bamanator?…

  10. @Corky ~ Colon Hinkydink did lead the ‘9er’s to Stupor Bowl XLVII in 2013, ironically vs. the Baltimore Ravens …. he lost, hilariously, when he tried to make a td on 4 downs inside the Baltimore 10 yard line in the last minute of play … he couldn’t deliver then … & still can’t now

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