Is anything safe from these joyless puritans?



  1. Piss on patriotic America.
    Anger your paying fanbase.
    Glorify self-absorbed illiterate athlete thugs.
    Push obnoxious talentless half-time shows.
    Endorse wrongheaded social issues: BLM, ‘liveable wages’, radical feminism, gender confusion
    Take away the eye candy.

  2. Why would guys making millions need cheerleaders, anyway? Wouldn’t the money
    be incentive enough?

    Oh, wait – football fans like boobs.

    OK, I get it. Never mind.

  3. That’s cuz San Francisco has authorized fag cheerleaders.
    (or some other club – LA, perhaps, or NY)

    Get rid of the whole shebang rather than endure THAT embarrassment.

    Fuck the NFL.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It’s a variation on Jordan Peterson’s Channel 4 interview. You don’t have the right not to be offended by somebody else’s free and legal choice of what they want to pursue. Otherwise, we will have a world where there is a coercive arbitrators of what is allowable, like Saudi Arab’s religious police or Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

    Those that advocate for restricting other’s freedoms to avoid offense to others are confident they will be the one enforcing the rules. They don’t even consider that perhaps a right, Christian nation might want to enforce its standards of decency upon them.

  5. I say good riddance!
    We need Inclusivity!
    First, any women that are remotely attractive will be shamed away.
    Then a new standard will be employed.
    Abnormally skinny, split tongue, plate sized ear holes, piercings and all black eyeballs? You’re in!
    Fat with hairy armpits, and tattoos that say F8ck Trump on your belly? You’re the new Squad Leader!
    A ‘man’ who became a woman, who changed back, and then decided to identify as a six year old girl? You are the new face of the NFL!
    A gay quadriplegic who drives a wheelchair with his tongue, and ‘paints’ using his own urine? We have a prominent place for you.
    A straight white male who just wants to party and dance at games and get paid: F*ck outta here!
    A straight woman, no obvious deformities or modifications: You ought to be ashamed of yourself! FOAD!

  6. I suppose the feminists should be pleased. One more blatant example of objectifying womenz as choreographed titz and azz in motion for the puerile pleasures of an audience composed of toxic masculinity.

    Or sumpthin’ like that. Their exact composition of complaints confuses me at times, but I think I captured the spirit of the thing.

  7. Get rid of high school cheerleaders too. They are annoying as hell and add nothing to the game. They only exist so that girls can be involved in something that has nothing to do with them.

  8. I thought the cheerleaders were what the players were fighting for, since football is the American sports analogy for war. But I suppose if the players are now mostly Islamists, faggots and Marxists (ditto for the fans), fighting for women isn’t worth it.

  9. Rush Limbaugh nailed it years ago: “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society”. It really is that simple. F*** feminists.

  10. “I think they must have seen the video of the two male cheerleaders and realized they had to put a stop to it no matter what it takes.”

    First thought I had. LOL. Plus maybe the players keep knocking them up and managers are sick of having to break up fights? lol.

  11. The NFL cheerleaders mostly have other jobs. The cheerleading gig doesn’t pay much and is very part time.
    They’re having fun.
    I wonder if Negative Nancy complains about Chippendale men being objectified. They wear far less than the cheerleaders.

  12. One more hit to the NFL…excellent!

    Now it is not even worth the casual glance of the non-sports eyeballs.

    Great business model. Piss off REAL Americans and remove all eye candy.

  13. I saw a an article in the newspaper a while ago about some women who organized a protest against men’s demeaning actions towards women; the kinds of things shown by that video of the woman walking in a city. Imagine some guy having the nerve to say “hello”. How sexist.

    The article showed a picture of the women who organized the protest. They probably couldn’t BUY a wolf whistle.

  14. yes ban cheerleaders. next get rid of the booze (someone might get drunk and fall from the upper tier) and food (someone might choke), and keep going. The NFL of years past is long gone and I liked it as much as anyone; but it is dead and it ain’t comin back and I say go ahead and flatten it and put it out of its misery.

  15. just ban the NFL since no wymyn have been allowed to play so it’s sexist and wymyn’s “feelings” are hurt around the world, and wth is really important. Men can’t be allowed to have their own sexist misogynist deplorable clubs.

  16. Heck, I love watching Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. There are some fantastic dancers among them, and most of them are either in college or already have degrees. If I looked like some of them, I’d try out too! It’s a long and arduous process to get selected for the team.

  17. Its time to get rid of the NFL cheerleaders. Cheerleaders complaining but they still wear outfits that get skimpier every year to the point of R rating. If the audience is not comfortable watching with their 89 year old dads and moms and teenage boys, then just forget it. There are bars men can go to and watch girls!

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