NHS bars rape victim from working in office for not wearing a mask – she says face coverings trigger horrific memories of rape – IOTW Report

NHS bars rape victim from working in office for not wearing a mask – she says face coverings trigger horrific memories of rape

Daily Mail UK:

An NHS administrator who cannot wear a mask because it triggers memories of a horrific sex attack has been barred from returning to the office – despite having no contact with patients.

The mother-of-two has been forced to work from home for almost five months after telling her bosses that she found it traumatic to wear a mask while sitting at her desk.

The woman, who works for the Solent NHS Trust, which has hospitals in Portsmouth and Southampton, was diagnosed last year with post-traumatic stress disorder after being gagged and raped 14 years ago. more

6 Comments on NHS bars rape victim from working in office for not wearing a mask – she says face coverings trigger horrific memories of rape

  1. What does she expect working for a government agency? Suck it up, I get stressed too when something is demanded of me that I don’t want to participate in. Your employer does not care what you’ve endured in your lifetime. It sends the wrong message to others working around you. It’s also a continuous message to others as to why you won’t wear a mask. You are not the only one whose livelihood has been taken away over a useless mask and a death jab.

  2. I don’t believe her. 14 years ago and she can wear masks sometimes but not sitting at her desk. This is over the top.

    I also don’t like the exemption request thing, which implicitly agrees that unreasonable rules “otherwise” are okay. Okay for other people.

    Masks don’t work. They are stupid. They are misleading and fear-provoking as for the message they send. They discriminate against people with hearing problems. They are uncomfortable, distracting, reduce ozygen and cognitive functioning, and are unsanitary (potentially harmful) because when worn all day, constantly being exposed to crap in the air and touched as well, put bacteria smack against someone’s face.

    Amd she’s complaining about working from home. “Lonely and dejected”. I guess the office is her entire social life? A lot of complaints there. Sounds like the crafting of a lawsuit. But not for the right reasons.

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