Nicaragua Changing Law to Allow Mass Confiscations and Transnational Persecution – IOTW Report

Nicaragua Changing Law to Allow Mass Confiscations and Transnational Persecution


The communist dictator of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, is preparing a change to the country’s criminal code to expand his ability to seize assets en masse and impose lifetime prison sentences on dissidents, including those abroad.

Ortega presented the proposed change to the Nicaraguan National Assembly on Thursday — a formality, as the legislative body is fully stacked with loyalist lawmakers. The change is expected to be approved as early as Tuesday, September 3, according to local outlets.

It will modify 27 articles of the Nicaraguan criminal code. One of the main modifications, the local newspaper Confidencial explained, will be the introduction of the “principle of universality,” which means  that Nicaraguan criminal laws will also be applicable to Nicaraguans or foreigners who have committed crimes such as money laundering and terrorism while outside of Nicaraguan territory. more

13 Comments on Nicaragua Changing Law to Allow Mass Confiscations and Transnational Persecution

  1. Under dictators (democRATz) you too can be a criminal.
    These double-crossing, dishonest, dastardly, disingenuous democRATz are already telling us they want to steal our money with a massive tax on unrealized capital gains!

  2. While most people have not been paying attention, Central and South America have established Communism at our border.
    I’m thinking they’re hoping the election steal installs Kommiela.

  3. Sounds like Ortega wants to join forces with the UK Po-po Kommissar Rowley to arrest foreigners in their own native lands for crimes against the regime, for speaking out against, and not supporting, the Communist regime.
    Both of them can suck my ass.
    Molon laave. But be sure to bring a big lunch, it’ll be awhile.

  4. Ahhh, the silken brutal Glove of Communism.

    Results don’t vary from country to country, time after time.
    Unkept Promises, Submission, seize assets of dissidents and proceed to violently crush the opposition to extinction. RINSE and REPEAT


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