Nice Shout Out To Daisy From Rush – IOTW Report

Nice Shout Out To Daisy From Rush

Chicks on the Right score on Rush today. Rush reads a Daisy post!

Daisy on Left, Mock on Right

23 Comments on Nice Shout Out To Daisy From Rush

  1. I’m so blessed to be on the right. I just cannot imagine a swell in my manhood over the likes of a Janeane Garofalo, or Rosie O’Donnell, or some of those uninspiring lefty dogs.

  2. But it is as exciting to us when colleagues get the plugs. We are in this to be a part of growing the new media. Whether it is us or The Lonely Conservative (as an example) is exactly what we want to see happening.
    In fact, it was Irony that alerted me to the COTR shout out, and he was all exclamation pointy about it.

  3. I continue to see IOWNTHEWORLD’s influence around my inner circles of friends, family, and their extensions. Just this weekend my sister forwarded an image with Dianny’s signature/name from a frined of her’s whom I don’t knopw. It was the image of Putin in a tux ice dancing with O’Bama in the skirt. Without IOTW, I wouldn’t know about Dianny…

  4. “he was all exclamation pointy about it”. LOL!

    I was listening to Rush and Facebooking at the same time, so I went to COTR’s page and told them Rush was talking about them. I’m sure others did as well.

  5. I was wondering…

    When you leave your mental droppings here in the comments section, how many people are you actually reaching? I mean, besides Uncle Al and Norman Einstein?

  6. Chief,

    I know of readers in Australia and we have Lisa in NZ and another in Thailand. I’ve had Furs work emailed to me from all over the world…even Wyoming!

  7. You mean our page views a day?
    We average between 30 and 35 thousand views a day.
    only 2% of our viewers leave comments.
    That’s a LOT of lurkers.
    As a matter of fact, we are very shortly going to celebrate our 50 millionth view.

  8. I was thinking about when we learned that The Doktor had passed away this last year, you mentioned that he had well over 4,000 posts here.

    I simply got to wondering how many people an individual commenter could actually…reach…touch…inspire, or in my case, offend!

    Nice work on the site, BTW. Like VP Joe Plugs would say, you’re a big f#cking deal!

  9. BFH is right. IOTW has an impact. I’ve read posts on other sites using quotes from this comment section. Sometimes without quotations so you might be cross posting. I’ve read blogs that debate posts from here.

    Good work by all.

  10. I pass this site on to all. Most (I have lib friends & family) love it.

    I loved you guys the first time I saw your work on The People’s Cube. I think you were the KG3 back then.

    I’m 98% most of the time.

    I really. really. really, really miss Media Dog.

  11. I’m 2% for about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time I’m with the lurkers….

    That sounds kind of bad now that I write it out loud….

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