Nick Sandmann Full Remarks at 2020 Republican Convention – IOTW Report

Nick Sandmann Full Remarks at 2020 Republican Convention

Nicholas Sandmann is a teenager who became the victim of an unfair left-wing media defamation campaign. Tonight, he will share his encounter with cancel culture and highlight President Trump’s refusal to back down in the face of the liberal media.

“My life changed forever in that one moment. The full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode. They did so without ever researching the full video of the incident; without ever investigating Mr. Philips’ motives; or without ever asking me for my side of the story. And do you know why? Because the truth wasn’t important.” “In November, I believe this country must unite around a President who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts. I believe we must join with a President who will challenge the media to return to objective journalism.”

17 Comments on Nick Sandmann Full Remarks at 2020 Republican Convention

  1. Very brave of him, very good for Republicans, and all true, but he now is a public figure, and they’re gonna be very vengeful with him.

    I can’t find the CNN version of the speech (what a surprise), but I am told that some CNN commentator said he “doesn’t have to listen to some snot-nosed, entitled punk” during the coverage afterwards, thus proving his point. I’m gonna look further but the Internet isn’t being very friendly, almost like they’re all TOGETHER on not wanting to say bad things about liberals or good things about convervatives, imagine that…

    Edit: just saw the Cliche Guevara AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 5:12 AM comment, the first one in line, that shows the Joe Lockhard sour grapes, see what you miss when you don’t pay attention…

    …kind of like how the search term “DNC” would show you all 4 days of Lielethfest, but the search term “RNC” would yield NOTHING on Amazon’s streaming services, AGAIN apparently proving his point…

  2. I love watching the left meltdown with their juvenile rants after Sandmann gave his remarks. The snowflakes remind me of the brats in grocery stores throwing tantrums in the candy aisle.

  3. Now I’m watching Melania’s speech C-Span via Daily Mail and video and audio do not match either! I’m on my Google Chrome book–what is going on or is it just me? seems deliberate–and also I heard on my radio at 7am Melania was outfitted in a military uniform–its the quick blips, one of the network hourly news in a minute things.

  4. Compare the RNC to DNC.
    Melania’s uplifting speech v Michelle. Her love and pride for our country v Michelle’s hateful victim of racism speech.

    Maximo Alvarez’s emotional warning against communism v AOC/Bernie’s militant march towards “democratic socialism”.

    Now comes Nick Sandmann, who was mocked, smeared and accused of being a racist in the public arena v a lying, grifting, faux Indian activist. Who’s the youthful face of the DNC?….David Hogg.

    I listened to CSPAN after-calls last night. All callers, including several democrats (with the exception of one old codger from Iowa, because “Trump lies”), are voting Trump.

  5. A 17 year old kid was attacked & hunted down by the entire liberal/DNC media.


    Didn’t sell drugs, rob anyone, point a gun at a pregnant woman’s belly, sexually assault anyone. Nothing!

    His sin, wearing a hat, being a member of a christian religion, and laughing nervously when a whack job got up in his face.

  6. There stands a real Catholic, not at all like those two fakes one, Bidet and Perlousy.
    Mr. Phillips? young man, you’re too kind.
    Fake V/Nam vet speak with forked tongue.
    We missed you at our reunion, Chief Wasnthere Bear.

  7. CNN has already settled, The Washington Post has already settled. I hope he goes after all the hollywood asshats individually.
    The Media is going to need a big enema in November.

  8. Think CNN and the others have learned anything out of all this?
    Nope. It’s just the cost of doing the business of pushing the Communist agenda with Uncle Xi. Nobody’s getting fired and nobody is apologizing publicly. Nothing is going to change until nobody is watching them anymore… but unfortunately there are still plenty of Honey Boo Boo Stupids, dumbed-down, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, entitlement rich, government-dependent, busted-ass, free-loading LoFos and gullible, White guilt-ridden, spineless liberal lemmings out there that need to be well-oiled and pandered to! All I can do is hope that this is a shrinking demographic!


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