Nigeria: Muslims invade military base, murder 118 soldiers, 153 others missing – IOTW Report

Nigeria: Muslims invade military base, murder 118 soldiers, 153 others missing

Jihad Watch: The Nigerian government has repeatedly boasted that it has defeated Boko Haram, the Party of the People of the Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad, or was just about to do so. It vowed to defeat Boko Haram by the end of 2014. And by the end of 2015. In mid-2017 it called the movement a spent force. In February 2018, it again claimed that the jihadis were defeated. They weren’t, and aren’t.

“118 soldiers reportedly killed, 153 others missing following Boko Haram attack,” by Chika Ebuzor, Pulse, November 24, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The number of soldiers who were killed during the recent Boko Haram attack has reportedly increased to 118.

Premium Times reports that a source in the Nigerian Army said that 153 others are yet to be accounted for.  MORE

6 Comments on Nigeria: Muslims invade military base, murder 118 soldiers, 153 others missing

  1. It is difficult for the Nigerian government to defeat Boko Haram because the army is made up primarily of Muslims, and that is especially true in the officer corps. It is also difficult to defeat Boko Haram because there is a near limitless supply of recruits pouring in every day, some from the military, along with money and supplies from both inside and outside the country.

    Nigeria is hopelessly divided by regional, ethnic, socio-economic and religious interests. People in Nigeria who are not immediately affected by Boko Haram violence simply don’t care. There is always something closer to home to worry about.

  2. Nigeria is so currupt it has no patriots, only higheat bidders – kind of what Cuba was pre-castro.

    Boko harem is a group of pirates, enlisting sociopaths happy to kill for a payday and eventual position in the new government. Kind of like Antifa.

  3. It’s near impossible to form a solid country in Africa given the mindset of the majority of people on the continent.
    Just look at who they viewed and raised into an almost mythical status, the communist piece of garbage Mandella.

  4. Its very unfortunate that some diotic elements who paraded themselves as Nigerians do not acknowledge the efforts of the present government in fighting Boko Haram insurgent. The current administration truely promised to end Boko Haram insurgent, and that in my own view and in the view of many Nigerians that are not bias had been achieved significantly. What was the capacity of the Boko Haram before this present government came into power ?and what is the capacity of Boko Haram now?

  5. Bala Ibrahim, your name sounds like a boko haram name.. The reason why you are seeing the effort of the present government is because a Mohammed is the president of the nation. religion is really killing Nigeria

  6. Mr. Ibrahim,

    The issue is not that the current government has done nothing, but that the current government habitually declares victory over Boko Haram, only to be followed by yet another headline grabbing attack.

    Asymmetrical warfare does not require an abundance of resources or personnel to be, or appear to be, successful. Boko Haram will never go away, as long as it can be used for leverage by unscrupulous parties inside Nigeria, neighboring countries and internationally.

    Stating the obvious does not make one an idiot, Nigerian or not.


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